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Sans awoke with a start, the sudden jolt of consciousness bringing with it a flood of confusion and disorientation.

Somehow, during the seemingly short period of time Sans was heaved over a broad shoulder of a lanky (most likely murderous) stranger, he seemed to have either drifted off into surprising un-fitful sleep or the mass of darkness carrying him around like a sack of potatoes had knocked him out, clarifying and aiding in the piling evidence stacking towards the "freaky kidnapper" folder Sans had began to level up for his unprompted 'knight in shining armour'.

The room he found himself in was dimly lit, the soft glow of a single lamp casting eerie shadows on the walls. The furniture was sparse but functional, and the air carried a faint, musty scent. Sans pushed himself upright, his head throbbing slightly.

"Where...?" he muttered, blinking rapidly to clear his vision.

Jack was sitting in a chair across the room, his imposing figure still and silent. He looked up as Sans stirred, his monochromatic features unreadable in the dim light.

"You're awake," Jack said simply.

"Yeah, no thanks to you," Sans replied, his voice tinged with irritation. "Where are we?"

"Safe," Jack responded, as if that single word explained everything.

Sans sighed, rubbing his temples with his thankfully untied hands. "Look, Jack, I appreciate the whole 'rescue' thing back there, but I can't just be dragged around without knowing what's going on. What do you want from me?"

Jack seemed to hesitate, his hidden hands twitching slightly, allowing a small glimpse of long black fingers peaking out of the billowing fabric. "I told you, I want to understand kindness. You... you can help me."

Sans snorted, a hint of his usual sarcasm returning. "I'm flattered, really. But this isn't exactly how you ask someone for help."

Jack's expression, though difficult to read, seemed almost... regretful. "I didn't know how else to keep you safe. The others, they won't stop coming."

Sans's heart sank at the reminder of Jeff and the potential for more like him. "Great. So I'm stuck with you now, huh?"

Jack nodded. "For now. Until it's safe."

Sans couldn't help but feel a strange mix of emotions—fear, frustration, and a touch of pity for this odd, lost creature before him. "Alright, Jack. If we're gonna do this, we need some ground rules."

Jack tilted his head, listening intently.

"First," Sans began, "no more knocking me out. If you need to move me, just ask, okay?"

Jack nodded.

"Second, we need to find a way to deal with 'the others.' I can't be looking over my shoulder every second."

"I understand," Jack said quietly. "I will protect you."

"And third," Sans continued, "you need to learn how to ask for help properly. Kidnapping isn't exactly step one in 'how to make friends.'"

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