Oneshot (Cross X Classic)

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Wattpad special

Late  oneshot.


Hi! This isn't a chapter but a Special.... Well, a winter thing oneshot.
If you check out my other novel I'll also be doing a special though it may be posted later then this so yeah.

I'll be doing muliple one shots but In Different chapters.

This one is Cross X Classic sans

??? POV:
I skillfully glided across the ice; my skates piercing the ground slightly making glistening marks.

I was invited to this ice park by Nightmare to... Cool off. My girlfriend dumped me.
I mean, I already knew she was using me for money and status, but still.
I wasted 2 years of my life on her and far more money Then I could ever remember.

All because I wanted to fill that gap in my heart.
After the big.. "fight" with all the AUs and me  loosing rather pathetically, I needed something to distract myself. Someone to distract me and care for me.

I'm farther away from the rest of the group since I don't want to project my anger onto them.
Where I Am isn't apart of the Ice park. It's just a little frozen over pond in the forest.

While I was slightly dazed I tripped and fell with a big "Bam" from the impact on my Skelton-body and the ice. With my light structure no damage happened to the ice. I was a different story.

Pain,like a lightning storm, shot up my spine. With a sound which sounded a mix between a grunt and a whimper I tried picking my self up.

Pulling myself up slowly, I tried getting to my feet; the pain in my spine never leaving me.

"Are you... Okay there bud?" a soft voice practically sang out.

"A-ah! Classic! Didn't see you there... Heh.." Trying to keep my calm I swung around.

Straighting my back to look more 'proper' in front of him I stuttered out some words that sounded more like baby talk.

"Calm down, Calm down. What wrong, Cross?"
His smooth voice resounded around the forest accompanied by the soft singing of birds tweeting.

Keeping my head low, I took a breath and gathered my courage to ask him to help me.
Okay. Yes, I get that it's an easy feat to accomplish for most. But I'm not 'most'. With my Ego I could probably power an entire city if you converted it into energy. Who am I kidding? I could probably power an entire nation with it.

But Classic, he's special. He makes my worries simply float away and it seems like all that's in the world is me and him. My rib cage aches with the feeling of tiny flutters of butterfly's gliding across it.

I remember reading about this very same description in a romance, mystery book.

And that description is indeed a mystery since... He's a guy! I'm a guy, he's a guy! Isn't it supposed to work Girl and boy? (In my au Cross was sort of closeted from in world since in his World he only saw straight people and nobody new of gay and shiz. Well, most of the people did but nobody talked about it)

I know its love but it's not supposed to work like that..

Wait. Do skeletons even have... Genders since they don't have... My face heated up slightly thinking of what girls and boys do together alone except Replace 'girl and boy' with Me and Classic.

I mean. Of course we can use our magic to.. Create one. Skeletons are entirely made out of magic so we can just pop some magic out of us and create something and connect it to is with no problems. It only lastes around 24 hours before you need a 2 hour break, though.

Anyway, beside the point. Seeing me slightly out of it, Classic pushed the Bush he was behind to get past it and approached me with caution. He already knows how I get when something bad happens. I snap easily.

Classics POV:
Cross seems sorta out of it. Well, more then usual. Tilting my head out of habit I continued walking, with caution, of course.

His eyes scanned over my frame. Which, may I add, is skinny and I deserve the title of 'Skinny Legend'

*Insert clapping*

Thank you, thank you.

I picked out my words carefully; not wanting to upset him any further.
"Want to talk about anything with me?"

"It doesn't have to be right now or anything, we can set up a place to meet and talk about it" I quickly added.

He perked up considerably after that last statement.

Cross' POV: (Sorry I keep switching)

My head shot up after he stated the description of a date to me.
I eagerly nodded my head and blurted out:
"Yes! That would be great! What time?!"

After noticing how desperate I must have sounded I sunk in on myself, Insanely embarrassed.

"H-Heh" Classic stuttered.
Stealing a glance at him, I noticed that his cheeks had a blue tint to them now.
He was blushing, though probably out of embarrassment.

A small smile made its way onto my face, then it faded into a smirk.

"Sounds like a date," I purred out with newfound confidence.

Yes, yes. Is is confirmed. I am jared.

And I am 19

I began trying to make my way over to him, falling over my skates in the process.

I quickly kicked them off, as to not make the same mistake again.

"Welp... Shake on it" Sans proposed.

Instantly taking my hand out, as an automatic response, I shook on it.


Only to be greated by rather loud fart noises.

My mind registered it but refused to let it sink in too far.

"The old woopy cushion in the hand trick" he started his infamous line

"Its always funny" Sans finished, but adding in a limited wink, aimed at me and my only.

Just thinking that made my stomach (if I had one) do a flip.

"A-haha.." I tried my weak attemp of laughing it off, to ease my growing embarrassment and growing red hue of my cheek bones

"Well, buddy. See you 7am tomorrow at Grillbys, AU: science tale"

With that, Classic trodded off, leaving me, standing dumbly, no shoes on, in the middle of a random block of ice in his wake.

"C-cant wait.."

And with a vibrant pink hue, I claimed my skates again and started my hike back to the centre.

"I think I'll go randomly ice skaing more"


Author note: Hope you enjoyed! Sorry about this being on haitus sorta, I cant really relate, being an, in LGBTQ+ standards, ace but I still like classic, letting my love grow onto error and horror too.

Word count is: 1177
Hope you have a nice day c:

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