The Black Widow Of Musutafu (rewritten)

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Lord Midoriya was beloved by his subjects. He was kind and gentle and one of the best leaders of his time. He adored his wife, and it killed him that after four years married he had yet to give her a child, so one night he took to the woods in search of an enchantress who may have methods to help them conceive, but he never came out of those woods. There was never even a body to burn. His widow went insane in her grief, swearing her husband visited her every night. Begging them not to make her remarry, she was already married! But, she was forced to begin meeting new suitors six weeks after her husband's passing, all of the suitors were found violently murdered the morning after they met her. At first people suspected the widow, poor thing was so sick with grief she killed any other man who touched her. Perhaps she should be put down like a rabid dog. A kindness really. To be with her beloved on the other side, the explanation made little sense. Lady Ochako was not nearly strong enough to do the things that were done to those men. There really was no logical explanation as to what was happening, clearly when Lord Midoriya went into those woods, he cursed his widow. The suitors never quit coming though. They came with swords and suits of armor. Often it seemed they came less for Ochako or the title and more to say they had beaten whatever beast was killing all the suitors, but none were successful. Some were given quick deaths. some were tormented for hours on end. No one knew what determined the man's fate. Probably just the mood the creature was in the night they stumbled into its territory. Ochako tried not to think about it, she suspected it was the creature who had killed Izuku that night, though if that was the case, why had it not killed her yet?

Deku sighed as he climbed through the window of his wife's chambers, and watched her sleep for a moment. He should have appreciated her more in life. Her warmth, her scent. Intoxicating, the best scent he had ever encountered, sweet, floral.. He sighed, a shame he couldn't eat her. He shook his head, he needed to quit thinking like that. He shook her gently

"Mochi." he whispered as he saw her wake up, and grinned, he kissed her gently

"Just like every night, Mochi." He cocked his head to the side

Her eyes filled with tears as she hugged him close

"Oh. Mochi!" He wiped her eyes and kissed her face, she didn't usually cry like this, "what's wrong? Did someone put their hands on you?" he snarled

Ochako looked at him sadly, were the people right? Were these dreams? Delusions? She supposed the alternative wasn't better.. Every suitor who had been tortured before he died had been a suitor who assaulted her. Surely that wasn't Deku killing people, on her behalf right? "No. No he was the perfect gentleman! Dekukun.."
Deku smiled at that "good." Deku felt a chill run down his spine, if he was good to Ochako, he might not be able to eat.. He told himself he was doing it to protect his wife from unwanted advances, but he was so hungry. The fresh blood was really nice! He nodded his head

"D-do you like him?"
"I do.. And.. I think I may be ready to remarry."
Deku tensed. No. No. This wasn't fair. He hadn't done anything to deserve this.
"Dekukun, I love you, but I can't keep only being touched in my dreams."
Deku shook his head "Do you really think these are dreams?" he would show her. "Mochi! I'm right here. I-I didn't die. I just changed a little bit! Mochi you can't leave, you're all I have."

Ochako frowned at that, This was a dream. This had to be a dream.

"What do you want me to do?"
Deku had a pounding headache, he was starving. He looked at her sadly as his grip on her tightened, he kissed her deeply she tasted so good. He never enjoyed her kisses this much when he was alive.

"One more long night?" he whispered in her ear, in that moment, he really did intend to leave her alone after one more tryst. Let her remarry, start a family. She shouldn't have to worry about the monster in her basement forever. He wasn't sure what he would do for food, or comfort, or companionship, but he would sacrifice all of that for her happiness. He just needed one more night. He looked at her eyes, smiling when she nodded before pushing her against the wall, kissing her deeply as he unlaced his pants and moved his hands under her night gown, moving his fingers inside of her gently.
"I love you. So very very much. Promise me you'll always remember, okay?" he whimpered

"I promise." She murmured, arching her back as he kissed her again moving her to the bed and climbing on top of her. He wanted to make her cum at least three times before he left. He licked at her neck gently, sucking on it, it tasted divine.. Oh he wanted to taste her so badly. No. He couldn't. He looked at her for a moment, sucking on her neck, she was responding to it like she wanted it.
"Can I bite you?" he said meekly, no Izuku you cannot bite her he thought to himself.

"Please." she whined, Deku nodded, he had permission.. She thinks she's dreaming. She certainly doesn't think you biting her will turn her into a monster.

"There's no going back if I bite you."

"Please.. Dekukun.. I want it."
Deku had no idea what was going on, she obviously didn't know what was going on either. He couldn't bite her. He couldn't. But.. She was his. He loved her. He couldn't go on without her. He kissed her deeply, passionately. He wouldn't bite her enough to turn her, playful love nip. A taste test.

"Everything is going to be okay." He whispered, kissing with his tongue moving his lips down to her neck sucking on it before he bit her, gently. He heard her cry out in pain, but really what he noticed was that Ochako had the sweetest blood he had ever tasted, he moaned softly, forcing himself to pull his teeth out of her before he took too much. He kissed her deeply again. Her blood still on his lips. She kissed him back, more hungrily than she ever had before. Deku smirked, wrapping her legs around him as he took her for what could very well be the last four times. She was ravenous. Her appetite hadn't been so big since he died. He sighed, looking out the window, the sun was begining to come up so he needed to get going. He frowned, he was terribly hungry, but he knew he could not eat her new suitor. She liked him. He kissed her head gently.
"Goodbye, my love." He said, tears in his eyes as he left her bedside

"You'll always be the love of my life."
He nodded, holding her in his arms a little longer "I love you." he sighed, making his way to his den where he would cry. He loved her so much, but he had to let her live her life. It had been such a long night he forgot he bit her.

Ochako groaned as she stood up, her body hurt all over. She had a pounding headache, and her bones hurt. She felt like she had spent the entire night making love, which couldn't be the case could it? She sighed, looking at herself in the mirror. She had a pretty big hickey.. Had she had sex with sir Iida last night? It seemed unlike her.. She remembered her dream from the night prior and felt herself tensing, it had been a dream hadn't it? It had to be.. Her husband was dead. She sighed, putting on a gown that would cover her neck wound and went down to greet ser Iida. She frowned as she walked under her sky light, why did it hurt so badly? She buried her face in her hands.
"Lady Ochako." Tenya waved at her, "I was wondering when you would be down! How about some-"
"Oh wow.. it smells wonderful down here. Sorry, Tenya, I'm starving.. What is that smell?"
"Well, Ochako, I believe it's just literature as this is a library.." Tenya said with a weak smile "are you okay? You don't look well."
"I'm fine. Just uh.. Didn't get much sleep tonight." God he smelled fantastic, "I'm sorry. I think I may need to take a power nap before we resume our courtship." She needed to get away from Tenya, before she acted on the sinful thoughts she was having


Deku sat in his den, the more he thought about the situation he was in, the angrier he got. Ochako was his. He wasn't dead, so she was still his wife. He wasn't about to let this man take her from him. The fact that he was mad with hunger was beside the point. He wasn't losing the love of his life to a fucking knight who Ochako had known for a day. He would present Ochako with his head at midnight. She would be upset. But she would come around. She just needed to be reminded of her place.

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