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Deku looked at Tenya from inside the walls of his former home. The idea of this man laying a hand on Ochako, let alone marrying her, made him sick, but it was Ochako's choice. This man had done nothing wrong.. But he was starving, and Ser Iida smelled fantastic." Deku sighed coming out of the wall and into the shadows of the hall outside of Ochako's chambers.

"Why are you here?" his voice was soft, but there was a bit of a snarl to it.

"I wanted to make sure Lady Midoriya was okay. She seemed a bit off."
"So you are outside the lady's chambers?"
"I admit it's a bit.. You're right. I should return to my own chambers."
Deku cocked his head to the side "She seemed off?"
"She said she needed a nap so she didn't commit sinful acts."

Deku frowned, oh no. "How did she seem?"
"Who are you?"
"A friend of the lady's."
"What are you doing outside her chambers?" Tenya frowned as his eyes began to adjust to the dark. The mess of curly green hair, the big green eyes, they looked like the portraits of the deceased lord in the parlor of the castle. "Lord Midoriya. But how?"
"Your guess is as good as mine." Deku huffed.

"Well I'm sorry. I would have never pursued Lady Midoriya if I knew she was still married. Though I must say, you should see her. She misses you terribly."
Deku felt tears begin to fall from his eyes with a sigh. "I see her every night."

Iida frowned "Well that is a predicament." He wanted to ask questions, but it seemed rude.

"It is." Deku cocked his head to the side, "I am going to go check on my wife."

"As you should. " Tenya nodded, leaving

Deku frowned, slipping through Ochako's door, Ser Iida seemed like such a great person, he didn't deserve to be eaten. So he couldn't eat him. So what was he going to eat? He supposed that wasn't important. He went into the room and smiled weakly at Ochako.
"What did you do to me?" Ochako whimpered, looking at him as she started to cry

"I'm sorry. I swear I didn't mean to turn you." at least not consciously.
"So what were you trying to do? Eat me?"

"Of course not! We were making love for what I thought would be the last time and I wanted to make it extra special and I hadn't eaten all that day and you smelled so good and-and-" Deku sighed
"Why couldn't you have done it sooner?" she whimpered "I spent years thinking I was insane!" 

Deku frowned "in order to turn you, I would have to tell you what I was. I didn't think I could handle if you responded in fear." 

Ochako sighed "Dekukun.. We were sleeping together every night." 
"Yeah." Deku murmured "I wanted to take care of you." 
"But not to tell me what was going on."

"I was.. trying to figure out how." He sighed "I'm sorry I really didn't mean for any of this to happen." He kissed her cheek sadly 

"You ate my suitors! Deku! If you could have just turned me I wouldn't have had suitors." 

Deku looked at her sadly "I don't-I don't know. what I was thinking. I usually didn't mean to eat them, just rough them up a little, but I was always so hungry. He kissed her head and sighed sadly. He knew he was a monster, but he did need to eat and the blood of corpses didn't help neither did animal blood. He huffed, he wasn't sure what he was going to do now, he was starving, and he didn't want to eat sir Tenya. 

"Speaking of which. You can't be around Sir Tenya until you eat. It's not safe." 

"what am I doing to eat?"

"I-I don't know. Last time I ate a sheep it wasn't helpful but we can try again." 
She nodded sadly "O-okay."

 Deku huffed, kissing her gently 

"I'm sorry. I-I was hungry. I-I was so full of lust and I lost control and I'm sorry." 
"I just wish you did it sooner. I love you Dekukun." 
"I love you Ochako." He sighed, "I'm sorry I messed everything up. I really am." 

Ochako looked at her feet sadly, she didn't know what to do. She loved her husband more than anything in the entire world, but he was asking her to process a lot. 

"Deku I-I think I need some space." 
Deku frowned "I cannot leave you. You will eat ser Iida." 

"Ochako. I don't think you understand how hungry you are." 
"Why don't I want to eat you than?" 
"Because I've been dead for years. My blood isn't appetizing." 

"If I'm a vampire, why can I see in the mirror?" 
"This mirror isn't made with silver, which is too pure a metal to interact with such impure creatures as us.. It's made with aluminum so you can still see yourself in it." He kissed her cheek and sighed "I'll tell you everything, but you need to go to my den." 
"In broad daylight?" 

Deku nodded, leading her out into the hall and into the wall. Ochako frowned "You've been living here? All this time?" 

"I couldn't be away from you, s-so I moved into the walls." He murmured "I needed to know what was going on with my wife." 
"But I wasn't your wife. You died." 
Deku felt himself getting angry "Stop saying I died! I am right here! So you are my wife! And let's not forget the reason I stepped into those woods in the first place!" 

Ochako looked at him sadly "I haven't. Of course I haven't." She whimpered 
"For you! To give you a child so that you might quit whimpering his name in your sleep."
Ochako looked at her feet sadly "that's not how it works Izuku.. Any new child we had wouldn't be a replacement for our son who.. Never was." 
"But it would have made you happy, yes?" 

Deku huffed "Doesn't matter I suppose. Some hag lured me to her cabin and drank me dry. But I didn't die! And I returned to you immediately." 
"Yes Izuku but-" 
"But what?" Deku whimpered "How could you believe them over me?" 
"I thought I was insane. I just missed you so much.. I thought it was a manifestation of that." 

Deku looked at her sadly, draping his arms around her "Now we're together, and we will be for all of eternity!" 
Ochako looked at him sadly, shaking her head and looking at her toes "I don't know Deku. You're scaring me and I-" 
Deku frowned "It'll be okay. You'll get used to all of this. Okay? I promise. We'll get something in your belly and we'll talk about what this means." 
"But I-I don't-I don't-"
"You don't what?" 
"I don't trust you, Izuku!" 

Deku frowned, "I'm sorry. I must have misheard you. You didn't say.. You don't trust me, did you?" 
"I did. I-I don't know if I believe you're my husband." she whimpered "My husband would have-" 
"Turned you into a monster? Let you remarry one of those monsters who fondled you? Who forced themselves onto you?" Deku whimpered
"Given me a choice!" 
"How could I do that without risking you recoiling from me?" 
"I deserved to know." 

Deku looked at her sadly "I'm sorry." 

"I need time." 
"You can't have it! You can't go anywhere, Ochako. You will eat someone. You'll ingest garlic you'll do something wrong! You're staying with me!" 

"Please. I-if you're really Izuku than I need-" 
"If I'm really Izuku? Of course I'm Izuku why would you-" 
She looked at her feet sadly "Because you're not acting like him, Dekukun.. and I'm scared." 
"I'm sorry I'm not being as kind as I maybe once was.. But only to protect you." 

"I'm scared." 
"Than listen to me." Deku huffed 
"Let's get you something to eat. Okay? and than we can snuggle up and talk." 

Ochako looked sad, but she knew she didn't have much of a choice. 

"How are we going to get food during the day?"

Deku looked at her with a sigh. "I will go get us something." 

He took her to his den and kissed her softly, before chaining her to the wall so that she could not go anywhere while he was gone. 
She pulled at it and he shook his head "You won't get out." 
"What are you-" 
"Making sure you don't go anywhere while I get you food." 
"No." he kissed the top of her head "I need you to trust me." 
"I don't!"
Deku smirked at her, "Well, you're going to learn to than, aren't you." He kissed her "I'll be back soon." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22 ⏰

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