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It's rather useless to set an alarm on her mobile, she always wakes up minutes before the alarm rings.

And at freaking Saturday!

Groaning, Marcy turned on her night lamp and started to get ready for the day.

It's barely 7 am, so she had plenty of time for a shower...

But she preferred night showers than mornings. She would take time washing her face and start with some skincare routine, nothing so crazy.

While the coffee machine starts brewing some of the precious black beverages.

Marcy set ready her backpack and checked her mobile.

Ha. It's 7:35 am...

There is plenty of time for a coffee and check her schedule for the day.

Todays was her free day, meaning she didn't need to be at the clinic yet.

She did have to speak to her colleagues from their animation channel.

Marcy got up from her seat and got her pills and drank her coffee with them.

SSRI tasted like licking plastic.


At least coffee tasted less bitter than those pills. Maybe she could eat some cereal and milk by the time she checked her mobile, it's almost 7:45 am, and she preferred to get early to have it all ready.

Not as if it's important but, she rather finish that discussion with her team now.

How long has it been? It feels like an eternity since she's talked to anyone from Duskwood.

Walking out from her building, Marcy checked her mobile and pondered around the time as she's in good time to work.

Her colleagues texted her about the new topic for the podcast in their hands.

They still insisted on talking about Duskwood and that incident at mine...

She didn't feel like talking about it, profit from that horrible incident.

Richy's actions that drove him into such madness and to his demise.




Her legs moved, and she continued her life, but it's still something hard to think about him. She helped to save Hannah, she made friends and lived a drama that only appears on movies or phone games.

But...was that real?

Or maybe she may need another session with her shrink and get another prescription.

Without the chats and no data on her mobile, she's feeling as if her mind was messing with her. Like waking up from a really vivid dream and wondering if it's reality or not.

In any case, she recently got a new mobile as her old one was not working due to the old battery.

She kept the number, but most apps had to reloaded, ad and all the info was lost.

Not that she was a social butterfly or anything, her mobile was mostly for work and some personal matters.

Reaching the studio, Marcy greeted the security guard and joined the reunion with her colleagues.

"Alright, so...what's up?"

what's up?"

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