06 | A dream

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The air was thick with an eerie mist, shrouding Nyssa in a chilling embrace as she wandered through a dreamlike landscape. The ground beneath her feet was soft and damp, each step sinking slightly into the cool earth. The sky above was a blanket of swirling gray clouds, casting an ominous hue over the scene. Nyssa felt a deep sense of unease creeping through her, a feeling that she was not alone in this strange place.

As she walked, the mist seemed to thicken around her, obscuring her vision and leaving her feeling disoriented. A sense of foreboding settled over her, as though something was watching her from the shadows. She quickened her pace, trying to shake off the feeling of unease, but the mist only seemed to grow thicker, swallowing her up until she could barely see her own hand in front of her face.

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the mist, low and melodic, yet filled with an otherworldly resonance that sent chills down Nyssa's spine. "Nyssa..." It whispered, seeming to come from all directions at once.

Nyssa froze in her tracks, her heart pounding in her chest. "Who's there?" She called out, her voice echoing faintly through the mist.

A figure materialized before her, emerging from the shadows with an ethereal glow. It was a tall, slender being with luminous green eyes that seemed to pierce right through her. Its skin was a pale shade of blue, and it wore robes that shimmered with an inner light.

"I am the Guardian of the Ancient Prophecy," The otherwordly being said, its voice resonating within Nyssa's mind. "You have been chosen, Nyssa, to fulfill a destiny that has been foretold since the dawn of time."

Nyssa's eyes widened in disbelief. "Chosen? For what?"

The Guardian's eyes bore into her with an intensity that made her squirm. "The Crystal of Eternity," it intoned, each word heavy with significance. "It is the key to unlocking your true potential. You possess a power within you, Nyssa. A power that has been dormant for too long. The Crystal of Eternity will amplify that power, allowing you to channel the essence of the cosmos itself."

''With its power, you will become a beacon of hope in the darkness, a force to be reckoned with."

Nyssa's head was spinning with disbelief. "This can't be real," She muttered to herself, shaking her head. "It's just a dream. I need to wake up."

She reached out and pinched herself hard, expecting the dream to fade away, but when she opened her eyes, the misty landscape remained unchanged. The Guardian's gaze hardened, a flicker of annoyance crossing its features. "Suit yourself then," It said quietly, its voice tinged with disappointment.

Suddenly, the mist around them began to swirl and darken, thickening into an impenetrable blackness. Nyssa's heart raced as she found herself transported to another part of the dream—a place that sent a shiver down her spine.

She stood on the edge of a cliff, the wind howling around her as she stared down into the abyss below. The air was thick with an oppressive silence, broken only by the sound of something large and ominous moving in the darkness behind her.

Nyssa's breath caught in her throat as she turned to face the sound, her eyes widening in horror. A massive creature, shrouded in shadow, loomed over her with glowing eyes that burned with an otherworldly light. Its growl reverberated through the air, sending a chill down Nyssa's spine.

She turned and ran, her feet pounding against the hard ground as she sprinted through the darkness. The creature's growls grew louder behind her, its heavy footsteps shaking the ground with each stride.

Nyssa's heart pounded in her chest as she reached the edge of another cliff, the ground crumbling beneath her feet. She stumbled, losing her balance, and fell through the air with a scream that echoed through the darkness.

Nyssa jolted awake, her heart racing and her body covered in a cold sweat. She sat up, breathing heavily as she looked around the dimly lit room. It took a moment for reality to sink in—that she was safe, that it had only been a dream.

She rubbed her eyes tiredly, trying to shake off the lingering fear that clung to her like a shadow. The dream had felt so real, so vivid, and the Guardian's words echoed in her mind like an unshakable truth.


Hi! This is my first Authors note, I want to thank you all for making it this far into my book! I have a pretty consistent schedule, the next three chapters will be published tomorrow at 11AM EST! thank you for your reads and votes, I really appreciate you all! Peace, love, and crackers!

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