The Beginning...Of The End

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Will is in love. He deserves his happy ending. We'll get there, eventually...

Wednesday night.
10:14 p.m.
Summer of 1987.

The thunder was loud. It was freezing outside. The sky growled and poured into Hawkins like it was righting a wrong. The wind was vengeful. Will hated the rain. As you know, he could hardly breathe at the sight of dark clouds. And they were forming overheard. He could see the grayish-black clouds looming over him; Watching his every move. He could feel the goosebumps cover his skin. He could feel his heart pounding through his ears, through his hands, through his temples; Through his body. And with every step he took, a battle ensued in his head, making him doubt if he should take the next one. His heart sank into his stomach with each stride. And as the wind howled and the branches cracked beneath his feet in the woods, he wondered why he would ever willingly put himself through this. The cold fright he was feeling threatened to swallow him whole as the nights sky taunted him. Will could hardly see, and the stars in the sky had seemed to disappear. The moonlight was faint and he felt more and more alone, the further deep he went into the trees. But these woods weren't new to him. He knew them like the back of his hand. These woods had been where he and Jonathan built their Castle. These woods saw him through many hard nights, and many lonely ones too. These woods welcomed him and provided him with safe haven for many years. These woods were his home...And now, so was...—-he.

Yes, he feels scared. In this moment, he feels more fear in a single fingertip than most people feel in their entire life. The open sky, which he once thought was beautiful, was beginning to look more like the Upside Down. He could feel heat pull together in his lungs and he could almost taste the worry and doubt on his tongue. 'What am I doing?' Will looks around, frantically. 'I shouldn't be here.' He wants to turn back. He wants to, briefly. He has a plane to catch. He was meant to be going to California. His life awaited him there. 'I'm going to miss my plane. This is so stupid. Why am I here?' Will could feel himself breathing heavy, despite walking at a calm pace. Yes. It's safe to say that he wanted to turn back around. "He Can't Help You Will." The words rang in his ears. He was tired of hearing Vecna taunt him. Over the last few months he had been tormented by Vecna more times than he could count. He was more annoyed than anything. He knew what this was. It was his own self doubt. This voice, the one ringing in his ears, it was trying to get him to turn around. And maybe the voice was right. Maybe he was being stupid. Maybe he should turn around. Maybe. But he can't. He has to see this through. "Love Can't Save You, Will." Will shakes his head, dismissing the voice harassing him. "He Doesn't Love You. He's Waiting For You, Waiting For You To End." Will fights back tears as he stumbles through the woods. He can't turn back. He just can't. "He's waiting for me. I know it." He was talking to himself now. He wanted to be sure of his words, but even still, he had those doubts. But he just can't turn back now. He had abandoned everything. He had no choice but to believe in him; In the boy that was waiting, for him. 'He loves me. I know it.' The doubts in his head were running wild, as he could hear Vecna's voice in his own head. But still, he was in love, and nothing else mattered. "Timothy.....Timothy Will Never—" Vecna again, taunting. "Shut up!" "Mike? Mike Won't—" "Shut up!" Will could feel his skin crawling. He was almost there now. 'Vecna doesn't matter...' '...He loves me.' Will takes a deep breath in and disregards the discouragement pulsing through his veins. 'It'll be worth it.' The boy he loves is waiting for him, in these very woods; And all Will had to do was find him; While of course, fighting against Vecna who refused to stay out of his mind. But, it would all be worth it, when he found his him.

"You're Missing Your Plane Will. You'll—" 'He's worth it.' "Go away!" And for the first time, the voices, the negative force, the evil he had been fighting for so many years, it listened. The voice inside of his head had melted away, and the only thing on his mind, was the beautiful boy; The one with the beautiful skin. The tall boy with the beautiful smile who he loved with all of his heart. He was making his way to the perfect boy with the heart that called out to his. The boy who was selfless, and honorable. His gentleman; His person. The boy he loves is waiting for him. And suddenly, California doesn't matter. His plane doesn't matter. The doubts fall away. The fear in his spine melts away. And suddenly, all that's him.

Will is drenched in rain. His chest is tight. His legs burn from the amount of woods he's powered through. His body is at a chill and he can feel his breathing escaping him. He's in bad shape. His body is starting to pinch and pulse with pain. His fingertips are shriveled from the water that has aggressively stalked him. His lips feel numb from the cold air. He could almost give up. He feels his body ready to collapse. But he can't give in. 'Just a few more steps.' He could see it now. His heart skips a beat. He can see—him—now. He can see it all. His eyes widen in disbelief. He's enamored, like he's been many times before. 'He—he's perfect.' Will can feel water pulling in his eyes. He feels overcome with pure joy. This is the type of joy that he has only ever dreamed about. This joy, this joy feels like heaven. 'He's so beautif—" "Hi." A bright smile spread across the boy's face. He was dressed in something only the two boys would understand. And he was, as beautiful as he ever was. And Will loved him, in this moment, more than he ever has. "H-Hi."

The rain was strong. Growling and pouring into Hawkins like it had a right to wrong. And the thunder was loud. It was freezing outside. The wind was vengeful, and Will hated the rain. His body had been beaten by the harsh weather, and ever since Will destroyed Castle-Byers, the rain had reminded him of heart-break and death. But here, now, the abusive weather couldn't possibly bring him anymore peace; Yes. The rain fell upon them. And for the first time in the longest time, the rain didn't scare Will.

Will was supposed to leave for California tonight. He was supposed to be spending the summer there, and hopefully the next few years of High-School. Things had been hard, really hard. And he never expected in a million years that he would ever actually end up here. And it had taken a long time, longer than his heart could bare most days. But standing here, now, he knows it was worth it. He was finally...home.

It was the summer of 1987 and Will had finally made a choice. He was sure. He was in love. He was happy; And this was his very own, 'Happily Ever After.'

But. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

I Love You Michael Wheeler, But I Love Him Too {BYLER} Book 2Where stories live. Discover now