The Break-Up

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Happy endings come; But first, there are terrible beginnings; Lengthy chapter.

**Warning: This chapter contains Sexual Content; Moderate, lengthy semi-soft smut**

Late April of 1987.
Approximately two months before Will misses his flight to California...

William Byers has never felt more happiness in his life. He and Mike were together, for real. It wasn't a dream; It wasn't something he had made up in his head. It wasn't foolish torment. He and Mike were together, they were in love, and everyone they love accepted them just as they are. He is happy, more than he ever knew was possible. Yes. His life no longer feels fragmented. Having Mike by his side again, the way things should be, makes Will feels like his life is finally the way it was always meant to be. And yes, some days it still doesn't feel real. Some days he has to pinch himself to remind himself that his life is real. But other days, he reads a note in his locker, from the only boy thoughtful enough to write him love notes, and he knows; This is really his life. And it's the truest thing his life has ever known. "Good-morning my love. I just saw the picture you made me. It's incredible. My eyes have been blessed twice today. I count myself lucky, luckier than the stars in the sky that I woke up today and got to lay eyes on your magnificent talent, and on the greatest masterpiece I have ever known; You. I'll see you at lunch. P.s. Lucas is definitely in a punishing mood today. We should've never missed last night's game. Stop giving me those eyes Byers, you know I can't resist them. You're gonna get us in trouble every week. Anyway, I love you William Byers. Forever and a day, I am yours." Will gawks at the note his boyfriend has left him today. In each class he reads it silently to himself. He falls more in love with his boyfriend with each letter. He falls hopelessly, more in love.

"Oh look who it is." Will can't avoid Lucas' intense glare as they spot one another in the hallway. Will smiles at one of the only boys who can make him smile even while he scolds him. Lucas wraps his arm around Will and they walk together down the hallway. "You little shit. Why didn't you come to my game huh?" Will can feel the embarrassment coursing through him. "I-I..." Lucas mocks, "You, you what? You just had to spend all night making out with Mike?" Will blushes from the thought. He couldn't deny it. Lucas smiles down at the smaller boy. He wasn't as mad as he pretended to be. "You know what Byers..." Will looks up at him, smiling. "What?" "...Everyday you two prove more and more why I'm the greatest friend in our party." Will can't hold himself back from laughing. Only Lucas would say that. "You miss my game again and you'll eat shit Byers, you hear me." Lucas removes his arm from Will. "Yea, okay. Sorry." The best-friends smile at one another before Lucas walks off further down the hallway into his own class.

On his way to his class, Will could see Timothy and Elizabeth walking into the drama room together. Timothy grabbed the door for the dark-haired girl. And on some level this didn't mean anything. Timothy was a good guy, he was a gentlemen. He grabbed doors. But Will could see it, the way it was different. Will could see Timothy's body language. He could see...the way, Timothy opened the door. He could see the look in Timothy's eye. And he could see, the way Timothy didn't even notice him, because he was her. He saw it in the air around them. The beautiful girl liked the beautiful boy, and the beautiful boy felt the same way. And despite being in his own relationship, and never wanting to lose Mike, he couldn't help but notice the pinch in his heart at this sight. The moment was brief; And he didn't think of Timothy anymore, not consciously anyway. He still had dreams about him, of course. He couldn't help those. But other than that, his days were full of Mike. Mike was all he wanted, I mean, Mike had been all he wanted for years. So, that should certainly be the truth still. Yes. Mike was all he wanted. And when he wasn't forced to see Timothy randomly at school, he didn't think about him. He didn't feel loss, and he didn't miss him. When Mike was by his side, he didn't remember that Timothy even existed. But I guess, that's the tricky part about memories. At some point, you do remember. And when you do, they're hard to ignore.

I Love You Michael Wheeler, But I Love Him Too {BYLER} Book 2Where stories live. Discover now