Mortis x Shy!Reader [FLUFF REQUEST]: It All Started With a Dare

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(Y/n) had to admit it. She was lost. How did she get here? Well here is an explanation:

(Y/n) had always been very shy, and she knew it. She refused to socialize unless with her closest friends, and because of that, people who weren't in her closest friend group sometimes called her names, like "chicken". Today, on a quest to prove she wasn't a chicken, she did a dare from an obnoxious popular guy. That was an action she was starting to regret. You see, the dare was not any normal, fun dare. It was to go inside the creepy, dark forest near town and survive a few days in it. Legend said many a beast had devoured people in there, which made the whole process quite frightening, but (y/n) had one thing on her side: determination. So, (y/n) marched into the forest, ready to prove she wasn't what people said she was. And here she was.

Well, the little adventure wasn't going very well, to say the least. (y/n) could've made a list of everything that was bothering her but here are the main things:

1) she was dehydrated, 2) branches kept scratching her EVERYWHERE!! it was so annoying and (y/n) had a bunch of scrapes and cuts just from that, and 3) she was so, so tired. But she couldn't get up yet. With a new sense of confidence and air of determination, (y/n) marched bravely deeper into the heart of the gloomy, mysterious forest. Or that's what she wanted it to be. In reality, she walked a few steps, sighted a gothic-looking manor, and passed out from tiredness.


(y/n) woke up, thinking about how she had to prove to everyone she wasn't a scaredy cat when she realized--Wait, why am I here?--at this moment a vampire-looking man--a handsome one at that--with a shovel came in. "Hello. I found you in the forest, collapsed on the floor, right in front of my manor.  I decided to take care of you until you woke up. Now that you woke up, greetings. I am Mortis, a creature of the night." (y/n) let out a shy little squeal and became at a loss for words. 1) because she was embarassed that Mortis found her lying on the ground, passed out, and 2) she was quite bashful and not used to meeting new people--or vampires?

Mortis evidently took the squeal the wrong way, because he sighed and pressed his hands around his face, speaking clearly to (y/n) but not showing his face. "I understand it. You are frightened by my vampiric nature." When moved his hands away from his face, he seemed sad. Angry, even. 

" Wait no," (y/n) whispered quietly. "Im not afraid of you," she said in a small voice. "Im just--" she didnt knwo what to say and became very flustered. Mortis watched (y/n) with a wary face and eyes that betrayed nothing of his emotions, silently waiting for her to finish the sentence. "--shy," she finished lamely. "I dont know what to say; thanks, nice to meet you--" Mortis cut off (y/n).

"You are not frightened of me?" he questioned with wonder. (y/n) nodded that she wasnt. Mortis still watched her warily. "I have been scorned by people for centuries. why woud you be any different?"

"Because i have a more quiet and reserved nature, i get bullied and teased because im different," (y/n) responded. "I know exactly how you feel." Right then, for some reason, the two knew they could open up to each other.  Mortis even told her she could stay in his manor for a couple of days to complete the dare. Of course, (y/n) said yes. So... they went.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip to first day (after first night)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The two were just doing fun stuff all day long-- who knew Mortis loved baking?? And over the few days, the two connected on a very deep level: their movie interests, hobbies, and BOOKS. While they were passing hte time, they learned about new qualities from the person. Mortis loved (y/n)'s passion when she was with people she connected with. (y/n) loved the way Mortis spoke old-fashionedly, like in an old movie. They admired eachother and Mortis felt a buzzing feeling in his stomach whenever he was around (y/n).  It was a feeling he had never experienced before but he realized after a few days--they were butterflies. Meaning--he was in love.

(y/n) was worried. Did she do something wrong? Lately it seemed like Mortis was a little distant. He would talk to her less, not seem to concentrate on whatever he was doing when he was with her. Was she  the problem? Was Mortis mad at her? Had she found someone who understood her and managed to screw up their relationship in a few days? At the thought of this, she started crying. Ang crying. and crying. 

Mortis rushed in and asked why she wwas crying, looking concerned. (y/n) explained that she thought he was being distant. AndMortis responeded with, "its because i love you." and smashed his lips on hers. The kiss was soft and tender, sweet and caring. But how could he love (y/n)? As if reading her mind, he said "youre AMAZING, okay? Of course i love you. youre perfect. I fell in love because o what you do, i loveit; i love you!" a little shockeda at his confession (y/n) whispered.

"I love you too." and that was that. they both liked each other. The wentto sleep, and as Mortis looked at (y/n)'s peaceful face, he thought, Im in love! I will treasure her and will make this relationship last!

(a/n wow my first one shot. umm... no commebt it couldve been better but hey, ITS MY FIRST ONESHOT YAAYYWYYYA)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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