Chapter Two

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While the pinkish sky glowed with an endless sunset, the memories all flooded back to Balloon like an emotional dam.

The swirl-like creature floated gently towards Balloon; the others followed suite. Now everyone was sitting around Balloon, but..

Even if they weren't interested in any of his memories, the fact that they were simply there with him was more than enough.

Not being alone was a blessing, especially now that Balloon actually was alone.

"..Thank you." he mumbled quietly to the three. He weakly sat up, feeling somewhat mentally heavier than usual.

"I..I don't miss them. Well, I don't miss everyone, that's for sure. I miss Suitcase and OJ, but that's pretty much it. Not saying I hate everybody else.. but they mean nothing to me.

Honestly, I'm glad I can't see everyone ever again. Even though I miss OJ and Suitcase, it's for the best. They weren't that important to me, you know. I'm sure I'll get over everyone soon.."

..Then everything broke down and fell apart.

Contrary to Balloon's words, tears filled his eyes. His face flushed even redder as memories upon memories upon memories burst through his mind like poisonous water.

Water that should be pure, but wasn't. After so much that happened, Balloon should be healing, not hurting even more.

But here he was, still hurting and still affected from all of the pain.

The tiny star and round ball-like creature snuggled near Balloon; the round fluff tenderly squeezing his shaking hand and the baby star rubbing his back.

The little swirl was holding a giant lollipop and handed it to Balloon. He grinned weakly as he took the lollipop gratefully.
"Thank you.."
He wasn't planning on eating it, though. Still, kindness was kindness - and all forms of it deserved to be acknowledged and celebrated.

After a while the pink lemonade-colored sky faded into a beautiful starry blue hue; night time in this dystopian-like world was finally here. The world looked completely different at night, but nonetheless it was lovely. 

The clouds looked as though they were straight out of a painting - a watercolor painting, and the stars twinkled endlessly and beautifully. There were constant meteor showers, an aurora borealis, and constellations that never faded away.

Even the endless ocean was starry at night, and the moon truly glowed and gleamed with joy & happiness. However, it was much colder at night.. like a winter kind of colder.

The baby star glanced at Balloon's sleepy looking face, its glow dim. It was very concerned for Balloon, as he looked incredibly exhausted and worn out.

"..Are you okay? You don't look so good." It told Balloon, and his eyes widened. The star could talk; it just didn't at times. Sometimes it didn't talk at all, but it was definitely not mute.

"Um, I'm okay. Just a bit tired." Balloon replied, sleepily leaning on the soft candy-like bush. The star frowned deeply. 
"You have dark rings under your eyes.." it warned gently. 
"I don't care." Balloon muttered.

The tiny star flew closer to Balloon then suddenly dropped into his arms.
"..Is something wrong? Uh, your glow seems dull."

"Candy.. is there any candy left?"
"You mean the star-shaped candy confectioneries, right?"
"Why? Um, if you don't mind me asking."

The star blushed, its already dull glow turning pink.
"Because I haven't eaten all day, I'm hungry.."

Balloon sighed quietly, picked up the large jar of starry candy, then fed the baby star some of the colorful candy pieces.
He grinned to himself as the star squealed in pure delight, ignoring how weaker and weaker he himself felt.

"Do you feel better now?" he asked the star. The starry jar's candy was almost gone now, due to the star eating almost more than half of the star-shaped candy.

"I feel much better. My tummy is full now, so thank you Balloon!" His heart skipped a beat as the baby star hugged him tightly.

"You're welcome. I'm just glad you're feeling better."
"Hey, um.. what about you?"
"..What about you? Are you going to be okay? You.. um, haven't shared all of your memories yet."

Balloon looked away, wincing.

He knew he did not have to share his memories with the baby star and the others, but it was way better than constantly being plagued by endless mental terror and continuous nightmares.

"I-I know I haven't.. yet. I'll tell you and the others tomorrow! It's getting late, don't you think?" Balloon stated, his voice on the precarious edge of cracking. He sounded completely strained, and his voice was as shaky as his body.

"I'm going to sleep now. Good night." he whispered the last part, laying on a very pillowy-like part of the dystopian world.
Balloon grabbed a nearby pillow filled with sugary powder & marshmallows, and curled up his shaky legs slowly.
In less than a second he was fast asleep.

Fast asleep and sleeping peacefully.
..but not for long.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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