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"Hold on!" Eunwoo yelled, gripping my hand

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"Hold on!" Eunwoo yelled, gripping my hand. My eyes widened as I took in the vast expanse of the place. I noticed people standing around with beer cans in their hands. As I looked around, every seat was taken and the room was packed with people. A large boxing ring was positioned in the centre of the floor. I glanced upwards to spot the VIP section, where the attendees appeared to be influential individuals. They were having hushed conversation while looking down at the crowd below.

"What are you looking at?" I quickly gazed back at Eunwoo, who was already looking at me.

"Nothing" I mumbled, his face went to the VIP area.

"I understand you are curious, but do not look at the VIP area. We don't want them catching us looking at them" I nodded my head understanding his words.

"What are you two doing? Come on!" Taehyung called out, standing before us.

As everyone went to their seats, I immediately looked down. Some were settling in, while others were still coming in. I have been in similar environments before but this one is way larger than I am used to.

I noticed Rose and Nayeon who had huge grins on their faces. It was clear that they were thrilled and elated to be present there. I had no idea that they were enthusiastic of street boxing and combat. Strangely, many other girls in the crowd were also sporting the same broad smiles as Rose and Nayeon. Taehyung leaned over and whispered to my ear. "They're eagerly anticipating the arrival of their favourite fighter"

"Favourite?" I turned my head to look at him. He nods his head while looking a head.

"Yeah, he is new here never lost a fight. He won every match, and everyone you see here came to watch him fight. It's hard to get tickets now"

"They even started fan clubs for him, which is insane. If anyone here mouths bad about him these fan clubs are ready to bash their faces. He has some dangerous fans who would punch faces" Eunwoo says. "And we have seen girls in action for him. Though he doesn't give a fuck nor cares to glances at them"

"Ohhh!" It's all that come out of my mouth right now.

"Are Nayeon and Rose part of this fan group?" I crossed my arms, trying to figure out everything happening around me.

"No idea. Maybe they do floor those fan clubs" I nod sitting down, Taehyung passed me popcorn. We are close to the ring. i don't know how Jinyoung got the front tickets, but we have a clear view of the boxing ring. Eunwoo removed his glasses and put them inside his hoodie. I looked around to see girls who were smoking hot.

"Everyone is hot over here" Eunwoo chuckled, standing beside me. "They are hot but sadistic" He added, checking out the girls.

A buff man walked into the ring with an electronic mic in his hand. My gaze shifted to his arms, where he got tattooed. He even got ear, lip and eyebrow pressings. His voice boomed in the entire arena. I winched as he cursed out loud, and the crowd cheered up.

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