[31] missed calls

591 23 8

Samantha pov:

i found myself having my back leaned on the door and sobbing on the floor.

she wants to divorce me?!
THIS IS ABSURD. over a kiss i didnt want.

a kiss that wasnt in my control.

me and isaac are just friends. and i thought of him as a close friend. someone i could be comfortable around with.

he often ask me out to go here and there and i thought nothing much about it. but i dont understand why would he take advantage of me like this.

ruining my life in the process.

i cant afford to lose the love my life. i just cant...

i didnt want that kiss. nor did i agree to.
i was gonna slap him the moment he did that. but i saw michelle. she saw it. so i ran after her instead. to try and explain myself

but she just wouldnt give me a chance.

i locked my wife's condo unit's front door then walked into her room getting into the covers and laid on her bed flat.

it wasnt supposed to be like this. if she just let me explain my side. i grabbed the pillow with silk covers on my right and hugged it tightly. it smells just like her.

inhaling her scent made my nerves calm. which is enough for me to drift off to sleep.
< the next day >

i woke up with my phone ringing nonstop. i unlocked my phone to see

3 missed calls from an unknown number

7 missed calls and 23 messages from Abe

26 missed calls and 67 messages from Maureen

19 missed class from Max

what in the actual fuck is going on? calling maureen was the first thing i did.

Maureen: Where the hell are you?!

Samantha: what is going on? im at michelle's condo. i fell asleep here

Maureen : we've been calling you multiple times. WHY HAVE YOU BEEN NOT ANSWERING

Samantha : i was still sleeping jeez. can you please stop screaming now.

Maureen: Listen to me carefully when i tell you this.

Samantha: what is it. can u just tell me.

i answered annoyed with how long shes taking to tell me why she called me so many times

Maureen : Michelle is in the hospital.


Maureen: i'll share location.

i got dressed and immediately went down. i called kuya driver to drive me to the location mau shared.

we arrived in matter of minutes due to how fast kuya was driving.

i rushed in and saw mau outside in the hallways.

Samantha: ASAN SYA?

Maureen: Samantha calm down please were in a hospital.


"she got hit by a massive 6 wheeler truck and shes in a coma right now, we arent sure when shes going to wake up, could take days, weeks, months or years. shes in that room, feel free to visit her, talk to her it might help in a way"

he pointed to the door and i didnt even let him finish and went in.

seeing the sight of my wife on the hospital bed makes my eyes watery.

oh baby what had happen to you.

i stare at her. her head wrapped with gauze, leg in a cast, gas mask on her face to provide oxygen.

i approached her bed. grabbing her hand.

"baby. im sorry. im sorry. i should've stopped you from going. you've had one too many drinks. last night. i shouldve known when you walked in with a bottle in your hand" i gripped her hand tighter in hopes she'd feel it and wake up.

"babe please forgive me. i love you. please gumising ka na" i plead over and over and over again.

"if you had just let me explain michelle, i never wanted that kiss. i only ever thought of him as a friend. i didnt know it was more than that to him. if i knew i would've distance myself. "

"babe please parang awa mo na. wake up. i love you. im sorry." i begged her.


i felt two hands on my shoulder

"thats enough samantha. lets go visiting hours are over" mau softly spoke

"this happened all because of me" i stood up but immediately fell to the ground. my knees felt weak. so weak. i couldnt even support my body weight

mau quickly helped me up to my feet. and i just stood there hugging her. crying on her shoulder.

wetting her shirt in the process.

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