haunted house

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Hanjin and Kyungmin had always hated each other's guts

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Hanjin and Kyungmin had always hated each other's guts. Their feud probably started when they fought over a single chair left on the first day of school, or when they fought over the last science book in the library, which sent them both to detention. Hanjin was typically firm with his decisions, while Kyungmin often changed his plans based on his mood. Hanjin hated how opposite they were, and Kyungmin hated the fact that Hanjin just didn't like him. It was his ego talking.

To settle this issue, Shinyu, the class president, finally stepped in. He'd been watching the two bicker a lot, whether during classes or activities, resulting in no work getting done. He knew he'd probably let them be if it wasn't affecting other students too.

It was kind of fun to see the two bickering and seeing who would win, but Shinyu knew as the class president, that wouldn't be a great plan. So, he set up a meeting with the other class officers. Yes, a meeting, just to make the two reconcile.

Dohoon, the secretary, raised his hand and suggested that both of them should be sent to the counselor to settle whatever was going on between them. The others followed. However, soon after it was decided, the vice president, Jihoon, suggested that the two should be put in a haunted house together.

Everyone, of course, found it weird, but then they soon realized how fun it would be for the two. A funny way to bring them close together. Shinyu sighed over this decision and had trouble agreeing because, for him, it just seemed more like they were pulling a prank than actually reconciling them. But due to the pressure from his fellow class officers, he had no choice but to agree.

So, they quickly initiated their plan three days later. On Friday, all of them gathered the whole class in one room, providing them with their plan to visit the famous haunted house near the mall. Hanjin, who was sitting in the left corner, raised his hand.

"It's okay not to come, right?" he asked. On the right side, Kyungmin raised his hand.

"I believe everyone should go unless they have a reasonable excuse." Then they both glared at each other despite the distance between them. Shinyu shook his head at the sight while Jihoon chuckled. The rest of the class started hiding their smirks and chuckles too, as they were already added in a secret group chat without Hanjin and Kyungmin and were already told about the plan.

And on Friday, all of them met at the meeting place. Shinyu divided them into groups, but he purposely put Hanjin and Kyungmin together, along with the rest of their members and Dohoon, Jihoon, and Youngjae, who were trying their best to appear nonchalant about the plan.

Shinyu instructed everyone to be careful because he knew he'd be responsible for any bruises or incidents that might happen later. Everyone started nodding their heads. Kyungmin and Hanjin's group would be the last one to enter the haunted house, which definitely grew their fears.

Jihoon started nervously fanning himself, and Dohoon actually started realizing that he was entering the haunted house too. Meanwhile, Hanjin and Kyungmin started bickering beside them.

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