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☆Summary- You've been struggling with depression lately and don't want to burden your boyfriend Johnnie with it.☆

☆Includes-Fluff and mentions of depression.☆

☆I am taking requests! DM me or comment what you would want!☆

§-You’ve been lying in bed for weeks on end. Only getting up to film, though as of late even that's been difficult. Your mental health has been in the gutter again. You know you could tell Johnnie about it but you don't want to add extra baggage to his life. You can see him telling you that's ridiculous and that's what boyfriend's are for. Yet, stubbornly you decide to hide your pain under your bed covers where you plan to rot. There's a soft knock on your door.-§


§-Johnnie's voice can be heard through the wood of your door. You pretend to be asleep. You hear your bedroom door creak open and Johnnies boots tapping on the floor.-§


§-Johnnie whispers again. You keep your eyes shut hoping maybe he will leave you be. You should have known better though cause Johnnie lifts the covers and lays beside you. Wrapping his arms around your waist.-§

“I know you're awake.”

§-Johnnie says into your ear.-§

“How'd you know?”

§-You grumble.-§

“I didn't but you gave yourself away.”

§-Even with your eyes closed you can tell he is smirking.-§

“Y/n?...You know you can talk to me right?”

§-You can hear the concern in his voice but try to ignore it.-§

“Yeah but there's nothing to talk about.”

§-You reply stubbornly. Johnnie sighs loudly.-§

“Okay look I know you've been down lately. I know this because I've been there. I understand the appeal of just wanting to disappear into your bed and never resurface. I just want you to know I'm here for you. Also, it helps to talk about it and I'm here to listen.”

§-Johnnie speaks softly. Your heart swells in your chest. How'd you get so lucky you wonder.-§

“I know you've been through it. That's why I don't talk about how I'm feeling. I don't want to add more sadness to your life. If that even makes sense to you? Truth is I just don't have the energy to do anything as of late. Everything about me annoys me and just makes me feel like giving up completely. I just have these moments where I question what my purpose is or if I even have one. I'm sorry I'm babbling, does any of this make sense?”

§-You turn around to face him. Johnnie cuffs your face in his hands.-§

“Of course it does. Baby you only bring joy to my life. You could never make me sad by talking to me about how you're struggling so please don't ever think that. You are worth everything to me. I believe your purpose is to make people as happy as you make me. God I probably sound really cheesy right now. I'm not the best at these pep talks.”

§-Johnnie closes his eyes slightly cringing at himself as he laughs quietly. You kiss him on the cheek.-§

“No, no it was really sweet. Thank you.”

§-A small smile forms on your face.-§

“Okay how about I go get us some snacks and we watch a movie for the rest of the day?”

§-Johnnie asks-§

“Don't you have to film today?”

§-You wonder-§


§-Johnnie replies.-§

“Okay then a movie sounds great right now.”

§-Johnnie kisses your forehead before leaving your room, returning with your favorite snacks and dino nuggets of course. You and Johnnie end up watching Twilight. He makes jokes here and there about the movie that make you laugh. Johnnie cuddles you throughout the whole movie saga. Later after watching the last film you fall asleep on his chest. As he whispers in your ear that he loves you.-§


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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