∆Drunk Dial∆

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☆Includes- smut, illegal substances, degrading, ect. Read at your own risk.☆

☆I am taking requests! DM me or comment what you would want!☆

☆Author's Note- It's been a long time since I last wrote smut or fanfiction. So I'm sorry if it's not the best. Overall I hope you guys enjoy it! :)☆

§~Everything has turned hazy. How many drinks have you had? You can't remember. All you do remember is Zach deciding to throw a killer party. Along with Jared ushering drink after drink down your throat. Speaking of which, where did Jared go? You look over to see Jared singing some slurred version of Barbie Girl by Pitbull on Zach's coffee table. Laughing hysterically you grab your phone. You only meant to hit record instead you hit call.~§


§-Jake's groggy voice fills your ears-§

"Ohhh hiiii j-...jakeeeey"

"Y/n? Are you drunk?"

§-Jake asks with concern-§

"Hmmm... *Hiccup* lemme see.

"I'm on my way."

§-Jake's voice rings out stern-§


§-Dial tone-§

§~You don't understand how Jake is going to find you. He has no idea where you are. Instead of worrying about it you down another shot of vodka. The warmth spreads from your throat to your stomach. You quickly forget all about your drunk dial to Jake. What feels like hours passes before you feel a rough hand on your waist. Startled, you jumped and turned around to see Jake. Wearing an ed hardy t shirt and black jeans.~§

§-Your confused having forgotten you called him-§

"Come on, we're leaving."

§-Jake's voice deep and demanding-§


§-Before you can hesitate Jake throws you over his shoulder. His hands gripping the back of your thighs to keep you in place. You try to wiggle out of his grasp but he's too strong.-§

"JAKEEEEEE put me down!"

§-You whine annoyed. Jake ignores you as he carries you outside. The air is cold against your exposed skin. Jake opens his passenger side door and sets you down gently but firmly. Buckling you up Jake walks over to the driver's side, starts the car, and begins to drive.-§

"Why did you get so fucking drunk!? Something bad could have happened to you?"

§-You can tell Jake's angry but what confuses you is he seems worried. You guys have been friends for three years. It's not like you've never gotten drunk before. Why does he suddenly care?-§

"Why do you care? I'm allowed to drink Jake."

§-You roll your eyes and Jake's hands grip the steering wheel. The veins in his hands showing through his skin more. You can't help but stare. Something stirs deep within your stomach. Suddenly it's a thousand degrees in the car.-§

"I care cause I don't want you to get hurt! I know it's hard for you to believe that someone can care about you but they can and I do!"

§-Jake stares way too intensely at the road. You know you should feel guilty but seeing Jake this way is doing something to you. Something that makes you feel the need to squeeze your thighs together and stare elsewhere before you do something you know you shouldn't. You know you should just apologize and let it go. However the other part of you wins the part that wants more of this side of Jake.-§

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