Prologue - 9 • 6 • 24

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It's been a few weeks since the battle. The  ǂꕤ✦ꕤᯅ- mechanical minds really did try , but thankfully my senses were able to detect their every move.

Very ironic they tried to work with me, knowing who I am after all.

I'm the smartest out of all of them, but I'm still different to them, yet they a̶c̶t̶ acted like I was one of them.

I'll never be one of them, but I'll never be one of the 'real' objects either.

There's nowhere for me, yet I can still pretend.

Before all of this, they never dared bring this up infront of an object.

They wouldn't even get the chance anyways. No one liked them ever since they started protesting.

Protesting that they wanted to be recognised, to be seen. To be wanted, to be treated like everyone else.

They got what they wanted, at first.

But then they took it ᵗᵒᵒ far.

They started acting like they owned the place.

Always having tantrums and wrecking places.

But the problem was..

𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝓌𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝓉𝑜𝑜 𝓅𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇𝒻𝓊𝓁

So that's why it was a long battle.

And given their treatment right now, I don't think they will be trying that again.

On the day they were in handcuffs, their mechanic body's powerful — but still defeated, they called for me.

I'm hoping no one thinks it's because I have a connection to them.

Hopefully they think it was because I was one of the reasons of their downfall.

They were pleading , using their filthy mouths to call my name.

How dare they, after discriminating me after so long.

Every time I tried to interact with them, they looked at me with disgust, like I was a little bug below their robotic motions.

I am known as a Plarobotic, also known as an 'android' in the object world.

We are made for 1 purpose, each one having a different one.

In the science museum , my purpose was just to be bossy, rude and smart.

But, being smart, I escaped.

Though they tried finding me, they eventually gave up and rendered me as a 'lost cause.'

I'm hoping their 'business' is over by now.

I started a new life..

My old name used to be : Android PLR 2763

Not that I was the 2763'rd android.

They just gave out random numbers.

But now, I go by..


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Thanks for reading the prologue! I hope you enjoyed the beginning of Plarobotic.

and yup! there's going to be morse code!

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