The Ballad of a Machine - Chapter 2 - 14.6.24

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Android 71.... Booting...






Android 71 is not proper. Android 71 - Project 2763 is not proper! Fix immediately

"What... what is this?!" A scratchy  , yet concerned voice called out. "This has never happened! She's our 57th project, how could have she failed?" - "We've done this many time ▇▇.. it's probably just a slight mistake we made." The other voice replied, much more light and soft.

The two got to work, recklessly trying to find a solution. Gloves were put on, oil was used, tools were thrown and took back.

It was rather hard, but they eventually found a small solution. They re-adjusted her glowy electric wires and placed her on a mechanical bed, which would get her to start charging.

The worker second in command stepped out of the dull room with meaning, and closed it behind him.

Outside, was a lot of chatter and blurs of people moving back and forth, wires and gears being pulled, took and shared upon. Others were getting some of the androids prepared for the presentation. Cleaning and writing the manual for the androids, a person walked up to the small worker.

"X , can you get ready for the the introduction of Project 89 .Our guest wants to examine and take him in." A purple number , 5 said to her. "Sure thing Five!" She responded kindly. Though this type of work was ludicrous and greedy, it was for the greater good.

X really did care for these androids. Some of the more well-made ones , before they programmed their personality were automatically very kind and helpful, always helping X. How could they ever be used for such greedy misfortunes, she thought to herself. Her partner ; Four , was the one who came up with this idea, and all the other Algebraliens helped with this idea.

X's presentation was later on today, she'd already wrote her script and the android was set up. Four was probably out doing boring paperwork in his messy office, so maybe she'd be alone. X wanted to check up on Project 2763 A71 , as it was her favourite project. Android 71 was her favourite Android, even though it was broken. X was a key part in making A71 — so she felt accomplished when even looking at it, being bathed with pride.

X's thing was due in the evening, but everyone was packing up, so she decided to risk taking one last look.

X walked over to the room, ready to see her. She opened the door, with a smile on her face. The room was dark and shallow, barely any wind passing through. Four's papers were left everywhere, because he refused to clean up. X rolled her eyes and powered on the lights.

When it was night like this, the lights — instead of being the usual yellow dim, it would be cyan and red hues coming from the bulb. It was perfect for late night work.

X could hear the soft humming coming from Android 71 , it didn't seem too bad at the moment now, compared to what the mess it was before. Android 71 was automatically made to power up, but this Android was made to act exactly like an object, so it could fit in, it had to quickly adjust to the lights , just like any other object.

The reason these Androids were made — was for a pretty stupid reason, Atleast what she thought.

They were made to enhance the popularity and intensity of a contest. To make the game more interesting, in Fours words. Four was planning to start his own show with some contestants he'd been watching for a bit when he got this lab finished.

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