Meeting his Demons

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Deepika's POV

I could feel that soft smile staying intact in my face as I stared at the tulips in my hand. I haven't been able to put them down ever since he handed those over to me. It was the first time that someone had gotten me flowers, and that too, my favourite tulips. Bittu and I would usually laze around the flowers planted in the massive garden in dad's mansion and would sometimes pluck a flower or two.

But Varun, he had gotten me these, and despite of now being apprehensive of his presence because of his outburst yesterday, I felt so good about these.

I do not know what to make of his anger. I mean yes, it was justified. He had warned me, requested me time and again to just stay away from that area of the kitchen, to not make any mess there. And despite of this, I still had to go and do exactly the same. Anyone would be angry, but then again, itna chillana nahi chahiye tha. I felt so bad about it. Let alone bad, I cried myself to sleep and that too, on an empty stomach. Man, it was not pleasant at all. But then again, I should not have invaded his personal space in such a manner.

(itna chillana nahi chahiye tha - he should not have shouted this much)

Oh boy, why was this so confusing?

"Uggh", there they were - stupid cramps. My smile faltered as I clutched the lower side of my abdomen in pain.

I have always gotten painful periods, especially the first day, or sometimes if I am unlucky, the second day as well. I need to get some hot water to relieve this pain it seems. Just as I was about to get up, there was a knock on the door and Varun entered after a few seconds.

"May I?"

It was technically the first time he was coming in. He was already dressed up in his signature white kurta and pajama, and boy did I feel envious of this man. He looked good in every single outfit he wore. Whereas me, I practically looked like a homeless person wandering around in oversized clothes.

'Just looked good, or delicious huh?'

Oh my god. I felt my cheeks warming at that scandalous thought.


He called out again, now a bit hesitant.

Damn, I forgot to call him in.

"Varun. Sorry. Please come in.", I sat back on the sofa and beckoned him too.

He had a mug in his hand.

"Here, take this."

I took over the mug from him, a frown of confusion making its way to my face.

"Don't worry.", his tone was soft.

"Just some Gudh-Ajwain kadha. It helps with cramps I have heard.", he assured me.

(Gudh-Ajwain kadha - a beverage said to be helpful with period cramps)

I nodded in understanding and took a sip. Much to my surprise and much against my prejudice about kadhas, this one tasted absolutely delicious. I hadn't heard of this before, but somewhere, I trusted him and his judgement, and so was confident about this surprisingly delectable liquid.

"Its good. Thank you."

He nodded with the tiniest hint of smile on his face. Man, this guy smiles. I have finally seen him doing so. Now I can rest in peace.

'Dramatic much.'

Of course I am. He's never really smiled before.

And as we sat there on the sofa in a comfortable silence - I was savoring every sip of the kadha and him being engrossed in a Sudoku game on his phone, I wondered if this was what domesticity felt like. If this was how couples spend their time together sometimes.

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