Extra Chapter - A Strange Meeting

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This is a meeting between Madeline, and the cause of her frustration over Zara... by the way.

Madeline, attempting to pass over from the loss over her brothers, Jax and Tom, found herself in a watch tower, overlooking the forest.

" I'm sorry. I can't bear to live without you.. I should have never gone... "  Tears flew down her cheeks, staining a picture of the boys. She closed her eyes, only to open them to a white void. The seat she sat one vanished, she dropped down with a large THUD. " What.. the.. hell.. " were the only words that came out of her terrified mouth. She looked around, the only visible thing was white until a silhouette of a large figure appeared infront of her eyes.

The silhouette became solid. Appearing was a tall, grey figure, appearing to have the look of a woman, hair tied up into a ponytail, but with a tailcoat suit. Its eyes were empty, only having a question mark pupil living inside the eyeball. The creature had its hands behind its back and styled a grin.

" What... who are you?! " Madeline stepped back before tripping over her own feet. She seemed to float in a 25° angle, held up by air. " You are most welcome. " The creature's voice glitched, almost dystopian.

Madeline moved her head back as the creature shuffled towards her. " Oh deary me, " the creature exclaimed, " I forgot to introduce myself! " It held a gloved hand up infront of Madeline's torso. " Call me Annexe, if you may. " Madeline shook Annexe's hand. " M..Madeline.. pleasure.. " The Annexe pushed Madeline's hand back. " Why are you scared? " Madeline rolled her eyes. " Well I think I would be if I just appeared here, you know. "

The Annexe clicked and Madeline fell down once again. " Well if you are going to give me that sass, I might as well not save you from falling. " Madeline stood up and shaked off any dust from her clothes. " Alright, Alright, what do you want, to see me sob? "

The Annexe gasped. " Oh heavens no! I want to help you, Madeline. "
Madeline grew confused. Why would a creature want to help her? Annexe seemed to sense her confusion. " I know where your brothers are~ " It sang in a sing-song tone. Madeline stuttered. " Y..you do..? " A comforting smile grew along her face. " Well, of course I do! I led them to safety. " Madeline felt even more comforted. " Well... can I have them..? "

The Annexe chucked. " Oh heavens no! I can not just give them to you, you have to be led to them. I will be pleased to lead you to them. " It held its gloved hand up. " What's this for? " Madeline pondered. " Just a promise.. I shall lead you to the brothers of yours, and you give me something in return. " The words ' Something in return ' flew out of Madeline's mind, instantly shaking its hand, desperate for her brothers.

" Well, great! " Sparks flew around Madeline. " What's this? " The Annexe cackled. " Just a little process, you know, for the little something, your soul. " Madeline looked in confusion. " What? This wasn't part of what you promised!  " The Annexe flew Madeline up. " Oh but darling, it was! You just did not listen. Now, I have control over you whenever I want! Good day. "

Madeline was sent back into the endless void.

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