Love me forever (Taylor Swift + Fearless)

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Hi to any lovelies reading this! I have next to no ideas for my other book...This is just random messages between two tay  albums (like lover and Rep) I never see ANY debut/TS and Fearless so here's some fluff ig hope you enjoy this 


Fearless: Taylor Swift


Fearless: TAY-LOR SWIFT 

Taylor Swift: What Fearless? 

Fearless: Nothing, I just wanted to annoy you

Taylor Swift: Stop hanging out with Rep 

Fearless: She is such a badass lol

Taylor Swift: I hear her and Lover lovemaking in Lover's room again

Fearless: Just listen to music or something

Taylor Swift: Good idea love

Fearless: Why do you call me love?

Taylor Swift: Welll Red did date Harry Styles so probably habit

Fearless: That is literally Rep's nickname for Lover 

Taylor Swift: She calls her LOV so that's different 

Fearless: I love our random conversations at 3 am 

Taylor Swift: I just like them so I don't have to hear the others 

Fearless: Mainly 1989 and Midnights for me

Taylor Swift: Mother HAD to put me right by Lover and Rep 

Fearless: I feel you there TS

Taylor Swift: Fearless, I have a question 

Fearless: Yeah, Tay? 

Taylor Swift: Will you love me forever?

Fearless: Forever and always 

Taylor Swift: Love me forever 

Fearless: I will love you forever 


If you have suggestions, like put them in the comments 💚💛💚 Love lovelies, love Fearless, love Taylor Swift, love Tayless (TS + Fearless) 🩷🩷🩷

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