Horses ~198Nights~

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HI LOVELIES! This was a request by the only person who actually comments on  this story (you know who you are) Here's some 198Nights 💙💙🩵🩵


"1989! I have an idea!" Midnights yelled, disturbing 1989's book she was reading.

"We're the only people in the what if we steal the horses and ride them?" Midnights's eyes glimmered with excitement.

"If you fall off again, I'm telling Rep. But sure, this book is boring." 1989 threw the book across the big room she and Midnights shared. 

"Rep never listens to anyone except Lover, so good luck." Midnights rolled her eyes.

"Come on, Nine!" Midnights said, sounding just like Lover.

"Tell me why you need to ride horses?" 1989 asked, getting drag out by Midnights. 

"It's therapy. I'm no way as hell going to a therapist, and I like horses!" Midnights answered.

"You're worse than Reputation on a good day." 1989 muttered.

"Nine, we all know Poets has the worst temper. She even pushed around Rep!" Midnights already had the horses ready. 

"You owe me lovemaking tonight, Mid. Unless you fall off and cry like you're Lover." 

"1989, come on! Lover cries all the time!"

"Because her fucking girlfriend almost died, so she has a reason!" 1989 snapped. 

1989 and Midnights rode the horses for about an hour before Midnights fell off.

"What did I TELL you, Mid? Be more careful!" 1989 put the horses back.

"I'm sorry! I saw a butterfly and my horse got spooked! Same thing happened to Lover and Taylor Swift I think at one point!" Midnights was indeed crying big tears, almost exactly how Lover cries.

"Fine, I'll let you off this once." 1989 half carried Midnights inside.

"Thanks, Nine. I need care and some lemonade." 1989 hated Midnights for being bossy, but she was probably high or drunk earlier, like usual.

Midnights didn't even have injuries, so 1989 just put ice packs all over her.

"1-9-8-9 too cold!" Midnights whined.

"That's what you get, Mid! Here's your lemonade!" 

"Give me loveeeeee!" Midnights drank her lemonade in over a second and started to undress her lover.

"Hey, Mid! Let's do that upstairs in my room, because I hear the two little ones." 


Well, that was also not what I had in mind but I think it's pretty good! Love lovelies, love Midnights, love 1989, love 198Nights 🩵💙🩵💙

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