The Gravity Hobo

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Everyone stared at the two strange newcomers in shock, unable to comprehend what they were looking at.

After a few moments of silence, an angry tick appears on Rex's head, "You just going to stare or are we going to smash the Gravity controlling hobo looking mans head in?" He asked the stunned group as he gestured towards Graviton.

"Need a hand?" Big Chill asked as he flew over to Thor and extended his hand to help him up. "Aye..." Thor grunted as he let the blue moth-like creature help him to his feet.

"So, think you can tell us exactly what it is we are dealing with here?" Rex asked, not taking his eyes off of where Graviton currently floated but before anyone could answer, a blue beam of energy struck the villain sending him flying back an additional few inches.

"Sorry I'm late everyone! Traffic was a pain to get through." Joked a metallic humanoid figure as he flew down and landed next to Rex, who could only look at the figure on confusion while Ben merely raised his nonexistent eyebrow at the sight having seen more stranger things in his life.

"Stark." The Black man greeted in an annoyed tone causing the metallic figure to open it's face place and reveal a smug-looking caucasian male underneath, "Fury."

Big Chill arched an eyebrow at the pairs greeting before turning to the tiny bee coloured heroine, "Is there something going on between these two or...?" He trailed off awkwardly only to hear her sigh in response.

"If I had to say anything, this is pretty much the norm between the them." She replied before turning to face the alien hero, "By the way, I'm Wasp and you?"

"I'm Big... Woah!" he never got to finish his sentence as Graviton thrust his hands outward and everyone suddenly found themselves slammed into the ground by the ever increasing pressure of gravity.

"Stay out of my way!!!" Graviton roared, his eyes glowing with pure power as he clenched his fist tightly causing the pressure to slowly increase. "I only want Fury." He demanded in an increasingly maniac tone.

"Really?!?!" Rex exclaimed with an angry tick on his forehead as he got crushed further into the ground, "Of all the things I've had to face in my life, it's always the gravity ones that give me problems!" He complained while the nanites in his body tried to compensate for the gravity crushing his body.

Looking to escape the growing gravity pressure, Hank activated his suit and shrunk down to a smaller size which didn't go unnoticed by Ben as his eyes widened in realisation before his body was engulfed in a bright green light blinding everyone.

When the light faded, Ben was gone and unbeknownst to everyone except for Rex, he had transformed into his smallest know form - Nanomech.

"I'll admit, you've just got more interesting." Ant Man noted with curiosity as he observed the biomechanical insect-like alien.

"Trust me, I'll probably be the most interesting thing you'll ever meet in your entire life." The alien hero joked as he pulled himself to his feet, "But right now, let's just focus on how we beat the gravity controlling hobo." He advised as he mentally cycled through any aliens that could help.

"I'm the strongest one there is!!!" The maniac exclaimed as he raised his hands and began lifting multiple shipping containers into the air but before he could do anything with them, a large, green, hulking figure of pure muscle mass rammed into him and sent him flying into the ground, forming a huge crater in the process and realising everyone else from their gravity prison.

"Mios Dios..." Rex gasped out as he and everyone else, slowly clambered to their feet and observed the new person with caution.

"So you're the strongest, huh?" The figure, this hulk, scoffed as he crazy smile began to form on his face. "Looks like Hulk will have to smash you to prove how wrong you are!" He proclaimed before leaping up into the air and crashing back down on the villain, smashing his arms down on Gravitons face repeatedly.

"Is that... the Hulk?" Wasp asked as she rubbed her eyes in disbelief. "I think it is..." Tony answered as the servos in his suit tried to compensate for the sudden decrease in gravity. Without warning, Hank returned to his normal size and walked over to Fury while another flash of green light blinded the group before dying down and revealing Ben in his regular form much to everyone shock.

"You're a changeling?" Thor asked with curiosity having never seen one in a long time.

"Your correct and now would you mind telling us who that guy is?" He asked as his friend Rex walked up beside him and crossed his arms.

"His name is the Hulk and his a fugitive of the law." Fury revealed as he limped over to the group clutching his right arm, evidently being more effected by the gravity then everyone else.

"Well it looks to me like that fugitive is trying to help us." Rex retorted to the secret agent. "And let me guess, the reason he's a fugitive in the first place is because of his powers, am I right? Trust me, I know you military secret operative types." He asked, sneering as he jerking a thumb over to where the Hulk was currently wailing on Graviton.

Fury narrowed his eyes at the accusation but said nothing and simply turned and began walking away. "Don't you walk away! We still need answers!" Rex cried out in anger only to be held back by Ben. "Leave it, he's not worth the time because right now, we have more pressing matters at the moment." Ben said as he glanced over to the Hulk and Graviton.

"I have a form that could help us even the playing field but it could also result in the creation of a black hole if I'm not careful." He warned as he dialled up the alien he wanted in the Omnitrix while everyone looked at him in confusion.

Meanwhile, off in the distance, a lone figure stood quietly observing the group with a scornful expression, on their wrist was a strange gauntlet-like device with the same hourglass symbol the Omnitrix had, "So..." the figure began, "You've finally arrived, Tennyson."
Dun Dun Dun!!! Albedo has arrived and how will this one affect the story going forward? You'll have to wait and see! But know this, I have plans for this one and they will change some of Ben's enemies and make them stronger then before! With Albedo in the Marvel universe, how will it effect the other villains? Also I'm working on the next aliens of Justice Chapter now so expect that one to release over the course of next week and after that its AC: Remnants turn and then it's a whole new story prologue so be on the lookout for that one.

Have a good one! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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