Chapter 14 We Won't Surrender

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The next day, I got ready, putting on my sword belt with my pen dagger and sword. Of course they'd take my sword away, but as for pen dagger it looked too much like a pen.

"Are you ready?" Ruth asked, as she came into my room.

I adjusted my belt,"More than confident, is Irvin..."

"He'll talk to the captain and then talk him out before you leave. He said he'll try his best to look like him," Ruth explained.

"Smart," I answered,"And I hope Armand knows how to use the wheel properly."

"It isn't your job to worry about it," Peter came into my room,"I'll take care of that." he kissed my forehead,"Please, be careful."

"Now, you're worried about something that isn't your job to worry about," I teased.

"I just want you safe, isn't that too much for your older brother to ask?" he said concerned.

I hugged him tightly,"I will." I didn't normally like it when he stroked my hair, but now I let him. Ruth wrapped one arm around me and another around Peter. One of my arms found its way around her. Peter held us both close.

"And you, Ruth, this also means you too," Peter said,"You never know, battles are ugly affairs."

"And what about you?" Ruth asked looking up a him.

"I promise," he smiled down at her."Now you best get ready."

Ruth nodded, as we pulled away and left for her room. Peter and I walked out to the deck, where Susan and Edmund and Lucy met us.

"Alaric wants to talk to you, Pete." Susan explained.

"Act like we're not expecting this," I whispered, Lucy clung to my hand.

Ruth came up to us with her bow and arrow. We walked to the front of the ship, where the Raven stood before us and Alaric leaned on its deck.

"Have you made your decision?" He asked eagerly.

"Yes," Peter nodded, he squeezed my shoulder,"You have left us with no other choice."

"No tricks?"

"None at all, Alaric," I replied cooly stepping forward.

"Good, I'll send my men out to get her," grinned Alaric, a sinister evil grin.

I suddenly had fear that our plan would fall apart. I shivered, moving closer to Peter, who pulled me to his side a strong arm around me. I felt another arm around me, I looked up to find Susan. I then was surrounded by my other siblings. I tried to hug them all. I just wished I didn't have to let go, but I had to.

We stood there until we heard the sound of one of the Raven's longboats onto our ship.

"They're here," Armand announced soberly.

"We let go, as the Caspian said,"Get the girl," he motioned

"Captain," Irvin stopped up to him,"Could I speak to you privately."

He seemed a bit puzzled, but grunted and followed.

Our first step was working! A man walked up to me and yanked me from Peter's and Susan's arms, which had still been around me protectively.

I looked at my siblings as they tied my hands. They hadn't done anything about my weapons, but they weren't idiots either. They tied the ropes hard, then they forced me into the boat.

"Stay there," one said,"And don't do anything stupid."

I watched and waited for the captain, who was really only Irvin with his skin covered I some brown substance and wearing the captain's clothes.

He sat down and ordered them to lower the longboats. I looked back at my siblings and our crew. I discreetly singled a thumps up, meaning everything is going as planned.

When we reached Alaric's ship, Birsha took a hold of me and lead me to the stern of the boat.

"You know what we do to spies, we drown them," he laughed,"Tie their hands, their feet, but of course Alaric will want to watch this." He took my sword.

He walked away. A man stood watching me. I shuddered,"Aslan, please help me."

The boat lurched, I found it my signal to squeeze my hands out of their prison. It hurt, but I got them out. I watched as the Raven headed for the shore.

"What's going on?" the guard asked terrified.

"You, Idiot!" I heard Alaric shout,"What are you doing?"

I couldn't help, but laugh. Then I heard a loud creak, I held onto the railing.

"You got us stuck!" A;aric yelled furiously.

"Wait, you're free!" Exclaimed the guard.

I laughed,"I guess you shouldn't underestimate a queen of Narnia. Should you! And you shouldn't always depend on your captain."

I unsheathed my pen dagger and forced the guard against the wall. He had a sword just wasn't smart enough to use it.

"I'll need your sword," I took his and left, fighting off my next opponent.

I made my way to the front, Irvin was helping our first boat up onto the ship with, my brothers, Armand, tumulus, and some of our crew. they jumped out and a full battle broke out. I made my way to Birsha, who was prepared, he used my sword and swung it at me, but I jumped and then tripped him, grabbing my sword.

"I need this," I grinned at a bewildered Birsha.

I saw another boat load being raised up onto the ship, this time it was my sisters and the rest of our crew.

"Enough!" Shouted Alaric,"High King Peter, take your family and men back to your ship."

"Fine," Peter said,"come on, Verity!" He grabbed my hand which was closest to him.

"Not her," Alaric replied,"She must still die."

"Well, we're not leaving without our sister!" Lucy shouted.

"That is a very bold thing for you to say, Valiant, but we will not surrender," Scoffed Alaric.

"And neither will we!" Edmund returned, raising his word.

"For Narnia! And for Aslan!" Cried "Peter

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