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Ann (female aang) (she will be 14 in this story)

Ann (female aang) (she will be 14 in this story)

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Sokki (female sokka)

Sokki (female sokka)

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Toph (she will be 14 in this story)

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Toph (she will be 14 in this story)

Toph (she will be 14 in this story)

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Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai

Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai

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Yue (We're gonna save her)

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Yue (We're gonna save her)

Yue (We're gonna save her)

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Ryu: All right that's all. Now let me-

Ryu: *shock a bit* What the fu- JIGSAW?!!?!

Jigsaw: Your final challenge, let your bih go through your phone.

Ryu: *panic a bit* Ah hell naw yo ass tweaking jigsaw!

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