Book 1: Water, The girl in the iceberg

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*3rd pov*

We can see in the south pole, a little boat were containing with three kids, Katara and Sokki.

We can see in the south pole, a little boat were containing with three kids, Katara and Sokki

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Sokki: *ready for her fishing pole* It's not getting away from me this time. Watch and learn Katara this is how you catch a fish.

Katara rolled her eye but suddenly she spotted fish swimming. She then remove her glove and began to waterbend and put a fish in the bubble.

Katara: Sokki I got one!

Sokki: Not now Katara. I can already smell it cooking. 

Katara: But, I got one.

She bring it close to Sokki but it pop and letting the fish go back in water and get Sokki get soaked.

Sokki: *angry* Why each time you use your magic thing, I always get wet?!

Katara: It's not magic it's-

Sokki: Yeah Yeah, I know waterbending a secret art of culture blah blah-

Suddenly they were taken by fast current and Sokki try to get them out of there as Katara tell her to go left.

*change scene*

*y/n's pov*

I was walking on the snow to see if I can find Avatar. I mean, I swear if Maliketh was lying about this shit, then no Death root for him.

Y/n: *look around* Man. Not gonna lie, this is clea- *see a bright beam* Woah! What was that! Whatever that was, I sense some great energy! Gotta go check it. *place two finger on forehead*

 *place two finger on forehead*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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