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"Saying goodbye doesn't mean anything. It's the time that we spent together that really matters, not how we left it."

-Mr. Adler's girlfriend


"Who were those guys?" I asked.

Romper Stomper sat down on the brick wall and opened up a packet of cigarettes. "Skylar Morse Jr and Kevin Maphesto," he replied. "Skylar's dad was a touring musician and just up and left for Vegas one day. His mom got hooked on drugs and ended up in Rehab." he puffed a cloud of smoke before continuing. "Kevin's dad, Michael was accused of child molestation. He got shipped to this crappy group home while his younger brother, Blanket got some sweet foster home with rich ass parents. Every bully starts somewhere..."

I sat there in stunned silence, trying to process the information Romper Stomper had just shared with me. 

"What happened to you?" I finally asked, breaking the silence. Romper Stomper chuckled bitterly. "Oh, me? Just your typical troubled teen from a broken home. Dad was an abusive alcoholic and mom was always high on something. Got in with the wrong crowd, started using drugs, got into trouble with the law. You know, the usual." He took another drag of his cigarette before flicking it into the street.

"But hey, we all gotta make our own choices, right?" Romper Stomper shrugged nonchalantly. "Some of us just end up with more baggage than others."

Well, I made it. The last day of school. I never thought I would get through it, but with the help of Stan and his family, I did. Not to mention every body else who has supported me and fought by my side. And that's a lot of people.

I never thought I would have a family outside of my own, but here I am, feeling loved and supported by so many faces. But, it's come for me to move on. I've arranged to live with my Aunt Nelly in Hollywood with her boyfriend, Max. I trust them to look after my well being, but it still pains me to say goodbye.

I started here with nothing. Now, I'm leaving behind everything.

"Hey, Butters, sign my yearbook!" Craig demanded, running up to me with Clyde. I smiled, remembering a time when I had almost lost them. But, yet, I didn't. They're still here.

Handing me his yearbook, I flipped to the last page. "Oh, and don't just write your name. That's lame." Craig added on. I nodded me head, putting pencil to paper.

"Craig, Thank you for being there for me when I needed a friend the most. Your friendship means more to me than words can express. I'll never forget the adventures we had together and the memories we created. Keep in touch and take care of yourself. Best wishes, Butters"

I closed the yearbook, handing it back to Craig with a smile. "Here, I'll sign yours," he exclaimed, grabbing mine. He didn't write for very long. About 10 seconds at most. Handing me it back, I glanced at the writing.

"Butters, you're a good friend. Stay cool. Craig"

I chuckled, realizing that's just how Craig was. Short and to the point. But I knew his words held meaning behind them.

"My turn," Clyde exclaimed, pushing Craig out of the way. Shit. What do I say? Can I say it? Should I say it? What if he gets mad? Nevertheless, I wrote it down, praying for a laughing reaction.

"Clyde, Next time put the seat up


Luckily he laughed, followed by a punch in the arm. "Ow" I thought.

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