The Traitor

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I look at the chat on my computer. Then I look at Felix. How could he do this to us? I stand up and walk over to Rachel. I sit down next to her. She looks at me confused and giggles a bit. She stops when I keep a straight face.

"Hello? Earth to Andrew?" She says to me. "Whats wrong?" She asks, telepathically this time. 

"Felix set me and Paul up in that attack." I tell her. She stares at me surprised. 

"What? How?" She asks. I motion to my computer. 

"Go read the conversation on my screen." I tell her. She stands up and walks over to my desk. She looks at the screen, reading the information. She gets to the end, and looks at me in shock. She walks back over to her desk and sits down.

"What do we do?" She asks me. Looking over to Felix. 

"Let me handle it." I tell her, standing up and going to the briefing room. "Felix." I say to him, this time actually moving my lips. "Can you see me in the briefing room?" He stands up and walks into the room, I follow. He stands next to the table. 

"What do you need Andr..." He says, but I cut him off, slamming him to the glass wall.

"You set us up!" I yell at him. I yell so loud that everyone outside the room can hear my yelling. He looks at me in fear. 

"I don't know what your talking about!" He yells back. I slam him again, this time i'm lifting him off the ground. 

"Stop lying to me!" I yell again. He can see the anger in my eyes and I can see the fear in his. 

"I don't know what you are talking about!" He yells. I'm getting tired of his shit. I drop him and drag him out the door. He stumbles along and I throw him into my chair. He looks at me in fear.

"Read it." I tell him. He is still staring at me. "Read it!!" I yell getting everyone's attention.  He looks at the screen. I draw a blade from my arm. "If you touch that keyboard i'll cut off a finger." I tell him and develops a deathly fear of my key board.

"Are they on there way?" he starts to read. Starting with the Sentinel side of the conversation.

"Yes" He says, now reading his side.

"Is it who we want to show up?"

"Yes. Will they die?" He asks Sentinel in the conversation.

"Yes." They answer.

"Good" He says to them. That was the end of the conversation. He begins to sweat. I grab him again and slam him to the glass again. I see it start to crack.

"How could you do this to us!?" I yell at him. He stays silent. I slam him again, Making the crack bigger. One more time and he will go flying through the glass. "Why!?" I yell again. He still doesn't answer. I get furious. I slam him into the glass, throwing him on to the table. "We trusted you!!" I yell. I pull out my gun and point it at him. He sees it and start to scoot back in fear. We stare at each other. He is sweating like we are walking through a desert. 

Rachel walks over and pushes my gun down. "He doesn't deserve the easy way out. Don't give it to him." She tells me and walks away. I holster my gun. I take the blade in my left hand and throw it into his shoulder, making him scream. I walk past Paul.

"Lock him up with the bug guy."I tell him, looking at Felix. He seems more afraid of that than me. Paul walks over and teleports him away. I stand in the middle of the room. Everyone is staring at me.

 "He was a traitor. He wanted us dead." I tell them. They need to know the truth. "Sentinel is back. He was one of their agents. They tried to kill me and Paul in that building.  We need to find them and stop them. For good this time." I tell them and they all look worried. They all know what Sentinel did last time we dealt with them. "They aren't as powerful as last time they were around, but some how they stayed around. We need to stop them. Are you all in?" I ask them. " Because if aren't, Then there's the door." I add raising my arm towards the door. No one leaves. I feel happy that they want to fight for us. "Then lets get to it." I say and they get back too work.

I walk over to Rachel. I sit down, not saying a word. She grabs my hand and stares me in the eye. "That was the only thing to do. Don't think that you are a bad person. He tried to kill you!" She says reasoning with me, while I don't say a word. I look into her beautiful hazel eyes. This is the time. 

"Rachel, you are the world to me." I tell her and she looks a little confused. "And with the way this new war is going, I want you to be in my life. For good." I say, As i get on one knee. She covers her mouth in surprise. I pull out the ring.

 "Rachel Scheer, will you marry me?"

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