CHAPTER ONE~ hideout

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Hiii author here! This is my first published fic so please be kind but I DO TAKE CRITICISM! As long as it's helpful. Please don't be a silent reader! I want to read your funny ass comments!

Juliette, Clint, and Natasha all ride in a jeep attacking a base that they know has Lokis scepter in it. The other avengers fight as well. Natasha is sitting driving while Jules and Clint stand in the back. Clint firing arrows and jules using her powers to knock soldiers down.
"You know, I still don't know why you guys won't let me use fire." The girl complains, while nat drives. "Last time we did, you burnt down a building." Clint responded, deadpan. "Y'all live to live in the past." She huffed, earning a small smirk from nat. Juliette jumps off the moving jeep and starts attacking the soldiers with snow and knives, making sure they all have an equal layer of snow and blood when she kills them.

She looks up and sees nat kick the car door off its hinges, knocking a soldier off of it too. Tony flies ahead while Thor attacks a lookout tower. "Show off." Juliette mutters, stabbing a guard in the throat. She runs to catch up with the group, using the wind to push her forward.

The wind basically carried her till she was on the back of Steves bike, helping him take on bad guys while still staying on. They come to a stop and she turns her head to see hulk throw a car with people in it. "Damn bitch. Anger issues much?" She says in a sarcastic tone. Jules hops back in the jeep that nat and Clint are in as it passes by. They swerve it to the side and all jump out over a fallen tree, something that would probably look so cool in a movie.

Tony flies up to where the buildings are and over comms, the group hears a thud followed by a "SHIT!" From Tony.

"LANGUAGE!" Steve responded, which made Jules snort. "JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?" Steve asks the ai. Juliette hops in his bike again as the robot responds.

"It appears the building is protected by some type of energy shield."

Jules scoffs. "Oh, really? I didn't see this GIANT FUCKING SHEILD IN FRONT OF ME! YOU DUMB BITCH! NO SHIT!" She snaps at the ai. "JULES!" Steve repremands. She sighs, "sorry Jarvis. I'm just fed up. And hungry."

"No worries ma'am. I do not have feelings." The ai responds, that gets a laugh out of the young avenger.

"Lokis scepter must be here." thor states over the comms, interrupting the heart to toaster. "Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last." He says.

"At long last is lasting a little long, boys." Natasha says, Juliette can hear her heavy breaths through the mic. "Yeah-" Clint says, getting briefly cut off my blasts, "I think we lost the element of surprise." He finishes.

"Wait a minute. No one else is gonna deal with the fact that cap just said 'language'?" Tony asks while flying around the building.

"I know.." steve responds and Jules does a backflip off the bike then Steve throws it into a car full of soldiers. "It just slipped out." He breaths out. Jules pats him on the shoulder and laughs "sure bud."

She hears Tony send in the iron legion. With a huff she goes and finds clint and starts helping him fight. He goes to shoot an arrow at a bunker but a blur intercepts it.
"What the hell-" Juliette mutters. Then something fast runs into her and Clint, knocking them to the ground. Then she sees a man over them, he had white hair and a smirk in his face. "You didn't see that coming?" The man says smugly, then he speeds off.

Me and Clint wearily stand up, "What the hell was that?" Jules asks in a breathless whisper. Just then a gun shoots Clint in the side and he falls down. "Shit." She mutters and kneels at his side. She opens her palms and they start to glow with a faint green light but then nothing happens. "Damnit." She says and gives up. She's only done it a few times. Create plants. And it's really fucking frustrating when she can't.

Nat rushes over to them. Steve grunts then says into the comms "we have an enhanced in the field."

"Clint's hit!" Natasha shouts into the comms. Natasha starts to bandage Clint but they're getting shot at. "Somebody wanna deal with that bunker?" She says into the mic and at the same time hulk crashes into the building. "Thank you." Nat mumbles.

"Guys, Clint's hit pretty bad. I think we need evac." Jules says into the com and starts running to find Steve, in case he needs back up.

"I'm closing in." Tony says. "Jarvis, am I..closing in?" Tony's comms shut off but not before he hears the snort of Juliette's laughter. A moment later they hear him back in the comms "drawbridge is down people."

Jules and Steve run up to Thor.
"The enhanced?" Thor questions.
"He's a blur. All the new players we've faced, I've never seen anyone like him. In fact, I still haven't." Steve breathes out. "I saw him. He's good looking..." Jules starts then scrunches her face, "not my type."
The men scoff at her. "I can get Barton to the jet, the sooner we're gone the better. You and stark secure the scepter." Thor says. Then men come charging at them. "It's like they're lining up." Thor comments. "Well, they're excited." Steve responds then holds up his shield and Thor hits it with his hammer, the impact knocking all the soldiers out.

"So I work with a bunch of show offs. Great. I hate you guys." Juliette says with her arms crossed. Thor and Steve roll their eyes. "Find the scepter." Thor says to Steve and they give a nod as Thor flies off. 

"And for gosh sake watch your language!" Tony mocks over the com line. Steve sighs and says to himself, "that's not going away any time soon."

"Men and their egos." Jules mutters. She follows Steve up to a the building. "We're locked down out here." Natasha speaks into the comms. "Then get to banner. Time for a lullaby." Steve responds before stepping into the building. They walk down the hall and find strucker. "Speak of the- oh we weren't talking about him were we. My bad. I was just thinking about the little bitch." Jules says, earning her a small glare from Steve. "Aaron strucker. Hydras number one thug." Steve says as him and Jules circle strucker. "Technically..I'm a thug..for SHEILD." He responds. "Then technically you're unemployed." Steve replies. "I know when I'm beat. I'll give you the scepter. Make sure you put that in your report."  Strucker refutes. "Yeah, I'll put it right under illegal human experimentation." Steve grumbles. "How many are there?"

Just then, a girl walks out of the shadows and shoots red whisps into Steve's chest, sending him down some stairs. Jules uppercuts strucker, sending him into a wall then she turns to the girl. If only she wasn't on the enemy team. She's beautiful. Enchanting even. Her and the girl stare at eachother, both sure the other would attack at any moment. But instead Wanda backs out of the room and outside as Steve gets to the top of the stairs again.

"We have a second enhanced. Female. Do not engage." Steve says into the mic, then he turns and sees strucker unconscious and gives an approving nod.

On the way back, Jules is zoned out still thinking about that girl. She gets up to get a glass of water as she hears Natasha ask, "Thor report in the hulk?" And Thor respond, "the gates of hell are filled with the screams of his victims." Jules smacks Thors forehead as he goes on to explain that it's not the screams of the dead.

Jules sits down with some water and Steve sits next to her. "You good, kid?" He asks. She looks up at him. He's always been great at making sense of her messed up mind. Maybe it'll help this time too. "That girl-" Jules starts and Steve makes an 'aha' face. "I was wondering who she is too. And the male." Steve said, thinking that's the problem. "We'll help them, don't worry jule" he gives a her a soft smile then stands up and walks away to talk to Thor and Tony about the staff and such.

Juliette gets up and walks over to Thor and smacks a hand on his shoulder, having to reach up because of the Hight difference. "Oh Thor. I'm gonna miss you ol' buddy ol' pal." She says with a sarcastic sigh. "And I, you, lady Juliette." Thor responds with a smile.

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