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Juliette, Steve and Maria all walk through the tower the next day.

Juliette, Steve and Maria all walk through the tower the next day

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Maria is telling them about what ultron is doing. "He's all over globe. Robotics labs, weapons facilities, jet propulsion labs. Reports of a metal man, or men, coming in and emptying the place."

"Fatalities?" Steve questions. Juliette bites her thumb nail as she walks with them silently.

"Only when engaged," Maria replies, "mostly guys left in a huge state, going on about old memories, worst fears, and something too fast to see."

Both Juliette and Steve stop. Juliette crosses her arms.

"Wanda-" "maximoffs." Her and Steve say at the same time. Juliette clears her throat as they continue walking, "I mean, yeah. Maximoffs." Maria eyes her.

"Well it makes sense he'd go to them, they both have someone in common." Steve says.

"Not anymore." Maria says, and pulls up a photo of a dead strucker and shows Juliette and Steve. They notice beside struckers body is 'peace' written out in blood. "They're sending a message." Steve states the obvious. "More like plastering a message." Juliette mutters.

Steve sends Jules to go get Clint. when she finds him, he's on the phone.

"That's a negative. I answer to you. Yes ma'am." He says into the phone, then hangs up.

"Barton. We might have something." She tells him. He nods and starts to walk towards her.

"Who was that?" She asks.


She nods and lets out a little chuckle.

They get to the meeting room and see Steve handing Thor the picture of strucker.

"What's this?" Tony asks.

"A message. Ultron killed strucker."

"A message? More like a sermon. He wasn't very subtle." Juliette says, approaching the group.

Thor hands Tony the tablet, rather aggressively, and Tony looks at it, with Bruce looking over his shoulder. "And he did a blanket at the crime scene. Just for us." Tony says.

"This is a smoke screen. Why send a message when you've just given a speech?" Nat asks from her seat at a desk.

"Strucker knew something that ultron wanted us to miss." Steve realizes out loud.

"Yeah I bet he..yeah. Everything we had on strucker is gone." Nat says, staring at the screen of a computer.

"Not..everything." Juliette says.

They all sort through files looking for anything about strucker that ultron would want them to miss.

"Known associates." Clint says, as he gets to a box of files.

"Baron strucker had a lot of friends." Steve says.

"Well these people are all...horrible." Banner says, sorting through the papers. "wait. I know that guy." Tony says, pointing at a picture that banner is holding.

Tony takes the paper and says, "from back in the day. He operates off the coast of Africa. Black market arms."

Steve gives Tony a look and I raise my eyebrow at Tony, "oh. Okay-" I say but Tony cuts me off, "there are conventions. All right? You meet people. I didn't sell him anything." Tony says defensively, "he was talking about finding something new. A game changer. It was all very Ahab."

Thor holds up the paper and sees a branding on the guys neck, "this?" He questions. "Ah, it's a tattoo, I don't think he had it." Tony says but Thor shakes his head, "no those are tattoos," he says, pointing at neck tattoos on the guy, "this... is a brand."

Bruce goes to the computer and after a few minutes he nods his head, "oh yeah, it's a word in an African dialect meaning 'thief'," he turns to face the rest of the group, "in a much less friendly way."

"What dialect?" Steve asks.

"Wakanada? Wa-wakanda." Bruce says, struggling to read the word.

Tony and Steve share a look. "If this guy got out of wakanda with some of their trade goods..." Tony starts, "I thought your father said he got the last of it." Steve asks Tony.

"I don't follow." Bruce says. "Yeah I'm lost too, what comes out of wakanda?" Juliette asks.

"The strongest metal on earth." Tony replies.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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