CHAPTER THREE~ murder bot

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"All our work is gone." Banner says. "Ultron cleared us out. He used the internet as an escape route."

The avengers are all in the lab, talking about the game plan.

"Ultron." Steve mutters accusingly.
"He's been in everything. Files. Surveillance. Probably knows more about us than we know about eachother." Natasha says, crossing her arms. Her and Juliette had changed into more comfortable clothes. Natasha in a tshirt and a grey hoodie and sweats. And Jules in a blue sweatshirt and black sweatpants.

"He's in your files, he's in the internet. What if he decides to access something a little more exciting?" Rhodes questions.

"Nuclear codes." Maria said

"Nuclear codes."

"Didn't he say he killed someone?" Juliette asks, sitting in a chair.
Everyone looks around. "There wasn't anyone else in the building." Maria says.

Tony stands up and walks over to a hologram projector, "yes there was." He says, and hologram of Jarvis pops up. The ai is broken apart.

"What?" Bruce mutters, "this is insane."

"Jarvis was the first line of defense." Steve states matter-of-factly. "He would've shut ultron down, it makes sense."

"No. Ultron could've assimilated Jarvis. rage." Bruce responds, still looking at the hologram.

Juliette stands up and crosses her arms. "Hey I have an idea, why don't we question the guy who made a fucking murder bit, and didn't think to tell any of us?" She asks, glaring at Tony.

Then Thor walks up and lifts Tony up by the throat, choking him. "Cmon, use your words buddy." Tony chokes out. "I have more than enough words to describe you, stark." Thor replies angrily.

"Thor. Put him down." Jules says, walking over to the two men. Thor puts Tony down and Juliette punches Tony in the jaw. "Alright" Tony grunts, falling to the ground.

"Juliette!" Steve reprimands.

"One of those robots got away with the scepter, genius." Juliette's says to Tony, ignoring Steve.

"So now we have to retreats it. Again." Thor says sternly.

"Genies out of that bottle," Natasha speaks again, "clear and present is ultron."

"I don't get it. Tony, you built this program. Why is it trying to kill us?" Clint asks the billionaire.

Tony starts laughing, making everyone look at him with a raised eyebrow. "You think this is funny?" Thor asks angrily.

"No? It's Probably not, right? This is very terrible? Is it so..." he laughs again, "is it so terrible- it-it is. It's so terrable." Tony says, still in a an unserious way.

"This could've been avoided if you hadn't played with something you don't understand-" Thor starts.

"I'm sorry," Tony cuts him off, "I'm sorry. It is funny. It's a hoot that you don't get why we need this."

"Tony maybe this might not be the best time-" Bruce starts to say.

"Really? That's it?" Tony cuts him off too, "you just roll over, show your belly? Every time somebody snarls?"

"Only when I've created a murder bot."

"Guys-" Juliette tries to say but gets drowned out by the voice of Tony.

"We didn't. We weren't even close- were we close to an interface?"
Bruce gives a 'well..' face. Then Steve says, "well you did something right. And you did it right here. The avengers were supposed to be different than shield."

"Maybe we should sit
down-" Juliette tries again. But nobody listens.

"Anybody remember when I carried a nuke through a wormhole?" Tony asks rhetorically.

"No. It's never come up." Rhodes says sarcastically.

"Saved new York?" Tony continues, "recall that!?" Everyone looks at Tony. "A hostile alien army came charging through a hole in space. We're standing 300 feet below it. We're the avengers. We can bust arms dealers all the live long day, but that up there? That's the endgame. How do you plan on beating that?"

"Together." Steve states flatly.

"We'll lose."

"Then we'll do that together too."

Juliette rolls her eyes, "ladies, ladies you're both pretty. Let's get back to the situation at hand? Ultron."

"Jules' right. Ultron calling us out." Steve says, "and I'd like to find him before he's ready for us." Tony sees something on the computer and starts moving towards it. "The world's a big place. Let's start making it smaller." Steve finishes.

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