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The coronation of Rhaenyra Targaryen was a grand affair, filling the Red Keep with an air of solemnity and celebration. The Throne Room was adorned with banners of black and red, and the Iron Throne loomed imposingly as Rhaenyra approached, her steps measured and dignified. The court watched with bated breath as the crown of the Seven Kingdoms was placed upon her head, marking the beginning of a new era.

"Long live Queen Rhaenyra!" The cry rang out through the hall, taken up by the gathered lords and ladies.

Vaemma stood among them, her heart swelling with a mix of pride and relief. The ordeal of the past few days had tested her in ways she had never imagined, but now she felt a sense of hope.

After the coronation, a grim task awaited. Otto Hightower was to be executed for his treachery. His plot to place Aegon on the throne had failed, and now he was to pay the ultimate price. The execution was public, a stark reminder of the consequences of such ambitions. Vaemma watched from the sidelines, her emotions a tumultuous mix of sorrow and resolution. She knew that justice had to be served, but Otto had been a part of her life for so long. His execution was swift, the sword falling with a finality that echoed in the silence of the gathered crowd.

Alicent's reaction was one of deep, consuming grief. Vaemma found her mother figure in the aftermath, her face streaked with tears, her expression haunted. Without a word, Alicent pulled Vaemma into a tight embrace, clinging to her as if she were the only anchor in a sea of turmoil.

"Thank you," Alicent whispered, her voice breaking, "Thank you for saving my life."

Vaemma held her close, feeling the tremors that wracked Alicent's frame.

"I couldn't let them take you," She said softly.

Alicent pulled back slightly, her eyes searching Vaemma's face. There was something unspoken in her gaze, a depth of emotion that Vaemma couldn't quite place. It was then that Vaemma, emboldened by the events that had transpired, voiced a suspicion that had been lingering in her mind.

"Alicent," She began hesitantly, " The way you look at Rhaenyra, the way you speak of her... is the same way Aegon looks and speaks of me... isn't it?"

Alicent's reaction was immediate. She stiffened, her eyes widening in shock.

"What?" She stammered, a flush rising to her cheeks, "No, that's... that's absurd."

Vaemma held her gaze, her own eyes gentle but insistent, "Please, tell me the truth."

For a moment, Alicent seemed on the verge of denying it again. But then, something in her seemed to break. She looked down, her shoulders slumping in defeat. When she finally looked back up at Vaemma, her eyes were filled with a pain that had long been buried.

"Yes," She admitted softly," But it can never be. That dream was shattered the day I married Viserys."

Vaemma reached out, taking Alicent's hand in hers.

As the days turned into weeks, the court began to settle into its new order. Rhaenyra took her place as queen, her rule marked by a determination to bring stability and justice to the realm. Vaemma continued to fulfill her role as the dutiful princess, but there was a new strength in her, a resolve that had been forged through the trials she had faced.

With the pressure of being the future king lifted from his shoulders, Aegon began to transform. The weight that had burdened him for so long was finally gone, and for the first time in years, he could breathe freely. He had always wanted to be the husband that Vaemma deserved, and now he had the chance to do so. His journey toward sobriety was not an easy one, but it was a journey he was determined to take for the sake of his family.

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