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Incomprehensible chattering muddled your brain, ringing in your ears like a pesky fly the moment you gain consciousness. Your head felt heavy, limbs soft like jello as you struggled to sit up properly.

Where were you right now?

Something pungent wafted in the air; an awful, slimy smell. The walls seemed cold and damp from where you lay, on a cold metal bench. You get the feeling that an experiment's subject would suit this position more than you do.


You suck in a breath, finally registering your surroundings.

Was this.. a Kraang's laboratory?



You didn't understand. Weren't you rescued by that guy in purple? Was it a hallucination? Or worse, maybe you being unconscious had slowed the person down, and led you both to be easy targets for the Kraang. Oh god. Oh god, you hope dearly that that wasn't the case.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry.

Grief overwhelms you. You bury your face in your hands, willing yourself to stay rational.

No, this wasn't the time to mope. If that person really did die for your sake, the least you could do was survive.

..then again, since you seemed to be fine, maybe they were being contained somewhere too? Maybe, just maybe, they could still be alive, albeit imprisoned.

In which case, I'd have a chance to return the favour..!

With newfound strength, you search the room for any sign of your equipment. No dice. Still, you manage to spot an.. oddly placed skateboard?

The poor thing was shoved into a corner, collecting dust behind steel cabinets. It was splintered into two pieces, and had a drawing vaguely shaped like a turtle wearing an orange mask painted on the bottom.

You're not quite sure what a scary alien legion might need broken skateboards for. You ignore the pessimistic voice in your mind saying it probably belonged to the 'experiment' before you.

You take one half with you in a desperate attempt at self defense, when the door suddenly begins to creek.

Panicking, you dash to the side, flattening your body against the wall and gripping the half-skateboard with both hands.

Now or never. You need to swing before those bastards notice.

"Wh- Leo, the patient's gone!"


The same voice, calling the same name, wearing the same purple gear you saw before you blacked out. It was.. your savior? 

Unfortunately, your arms had already begun to swing on autopilot, and in a perfect backhand arch, you whack the poor boy in his face. He yelps, sounding like an odd fusion between a screech and a choking noise.

"SHELLDON, ACTIVATE INTRUDER PROTOCOLS--" he wails, eyes still closed and arms flying in circles.

"Activating." a robotic voice (that, for some reason, reminded you of a surfer bro) echoed.

You blink once, and suddenly you're face to face with a monstrous barrage of military grade weapons pointed to your chest. You squawk.


"Invalid command. All intruders must be eliminated. Preparing to fire."


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