Chapter 1: Beginning of the Adventure

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"Lín-er over here!" A scene where young Feng Yoù Lì and Zhāng Lín Yī running to the cliff can be seen.

"Wait for me A-Yoù *pant* *pant*"
As the girl now standing next to her bestfriend and want to scold him, she stop and immediately said,

"So... Majestic... " Said Lín Yī with smile emerging in her lips. Bright lights can be seen from her dichromatic pair of eyes.

"Right? Told 'ya" Upon said that Yoù Lì turn his face to Lín Yī. Seeing the girl faces, burst of red immerse from his cheek but concealed by the colour of the sunset.


"Well, the sunset already gone should we walk home now?" Yoù Lì ask. As he leaned his eyes to Lín Yī, he sees that the girl already fell asleep in his shoulder.

'Welp, guess a couple of minute will be alright'

... 5 minutes later ...

"Lín Yī wake up, we need to go" Yoù Lì said as he gently pat Lín Yī cheek.

"*yawn* sure, let's go"

Immediately after they got up the ground where they stand fell off, Yoù Lì left hand hanging into a root of a tree while the right hand holding Lín Yī's hand, trying so hard so that they won't fall.

"Hang tight, Lín.. Yī...!"

"I think I couldn't... Hanging... longer..." As a miracle of her sentence, her hand got slipped and her body immediately fell off.


After that the root where he hang on with was snapped and his body start to fell off too.

"GAHH!!" A shock and immense of sweat can be seen in Yoù Lì faces.

"That nightmare again..." His eyes glazed.

"Lín Yī..."

"As always Lín Yī. Lín Yī that Lín Yī this, why don't you just search for her as I told you?"

"How can I trust a whispers like you, especially as the cliff where we fell off is high, apparently she died that time"

"Why you being so pecimistic? Look at you? You're fine whenever I look at you"

"Well, it's true..."

"Then go"

"It's already 2 years ago! How can I find her?! Even the officer can't locate her either!"

"Right, it's already 2 years ago. But she's still alive"

"How can you be so sure, you didn't even know her?"

"I-I don't know either, but you can trust my word"

"I'll think about it ag-"

"You always say that start the day when you awake. She's still out there if you don't come soon to find her, her existence will be dessapear from this world!"


"Oh my god A-Yoù, you haven't eaten right? Let's get down and have you eat honey" A women with magenta Chinese dress, long braided aqua hair, and a pair of bright green eyes. She said as she approach Yoù Lì.

"Yes mom, I'll go take a bath first and I'll be going"

"Okay, see you there" As she said that she leave a kiss mark in Yoù Lì forehead and leave the room.

... After take a bath ...

Yoù Lì coming out from the bathroom while drying his wet hair and walk to the wardrobe, he got himself a cloth, white and blue traditional shirt, a brown short pants, an orange shawl tied in his waist, orange earring in his right ear, and finally the hanfu outer that made from silk that past his knees. After that his focus got distracted by a picture of his young self and Lín Yī in a huge ballroom. It's the first time where he met Lín Yī.

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