Chapter 2: Fragments of Time

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Sky's expression grew somber as he reached into his bag and pulled out an envelope, offering it to Fon with a sense of urgency. "Fon, I need you to see this," he said quietly, his voice tinged with determination. "It's Khong Kwan's medical records. You need to know what happened after the surgery."

Fon accepted the envelope with trembling hands, her heart racing with a mixture of fear and anticipation. As she opened it and began to read, her worst fears were confirmed—details of the surgery, complications, and the aftermath unfolded before her eyes, each word sending a shiver down her spine.

But it was Sky's next words that sent a chill down her spine. "After the surgery, Khong Kwan's grandmother took over her life," he explained, his voice heavy with sorrow. "She made Khong Kwan resign from the company we worked for, took control of everything."

Fon's mind reeled at the revelation, the pieces of the puzzle slowly falling into place. She could hardly believe what she was hearing—that Khong Kwan's own grandmother would take such drastic measures, erasing every trace of the life she had known.

"And it took time before her grandmother trusted me," Sky continued, his voice tinged with frustration. "That's why I've been so careful, so cautious. I just want to stay beside Khong Kwan, to protect her, to make sure she's okay."

As Fon processed the gravity of Sky's words, a sense of determination welled up inside her. She knew she couldn't undo the past, couldn't erase the pain Khong Kwan had endured. But she could be there for her, support her, help her find her way back to herself. And with Sky by her side, she knew they would do whatever it took to bring Khong Kwan back from the darkness that had consumed her.

Tears welled up in Fon's eyes as she looked up at Sky, her voice trembling with emotion. "Sky, do you think... do you think Khong Kwan's grandmother didn't tell her anything about me? About us?" she whispered, the weight of the possibility hanging heavy in the air.

Sky's expression softened with empathy as he reached out to gently squeeze Fon's hand. "It's possible," he murmured, his voice filled with understanding. "Given how much control her grandmother has over her life, she may have kept that part of Khong Kwan's past hidden from her."

Fon's heart ached at the thought—the idea that Khong Kwan was living in a world where their love didn't exist, where their memories together were nothing but shadows in the dark. It was a pain she couldn't bear to imagine, a wound that cut deeper with each passing moment.

But amidst the sorrow and uncertainty, Fon found a flicker of hope—a determination to reclaim what they had lost, to remind Khong Kwan of the love they shared, no matter how long it took.

"We have to find a way to reach her, to help her remember," Fon said, her voice wavering but resolute. "We can't let her slip away like this. She deserves to know the truth, to remember who she is, who am I to her."

Sky nodded in agreement, his expression serious as he considered Fon's words. "You're right, Fon. But we need to be careful," he said, his voice low but determined. "Khong Kwan's grandmother seems to have a tight grip on her life, and we can't risk her finding out about our plans."

Sky offered her a reassuring smile, his eyes filled with determination. "We'll figure this out together, Fon," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "I promise you, we'll find a way to help Khong Kwan remember, to bring her back to us."

Fon's heart swelled with gratitude at Sky's unwavering support, his promise to stand by her side filling her with a sense of reassurance. "Thank you, Sky," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "I don't know what I would do without you."

As Fon gingerly opened the envelope containing Khong Kwan's medical records, her heart raced with a mix of anticipation and dread. With trembling hands, she began to read, each word on the pages bringing forth a wave of anguish and despair.

Tears blurred Fon's vision as she delved deeper into the document, each revelation more heartbreaking than the last. The hardships Khong Kwan had endured, the pain she had suffered—it was almost too much to bear.

"I-I can't believe..." Fon's voice cracked with emotion as she struggled to articulate the overwhelming flood of emotions coursing through her. "She went through all of this... and I wasn't there for her."

Guilt gnawed at Fon's conscience, a relentless weight that threatened to consume her. She blamed herself for leaving Khong Kwan, for not being there when she needed her the most. The realization was a bitter pill to swallow, a reminder of the consequences of her absence.
"I shouldn't have left her," she whispered to herself, her voice choked with remorse. "I should have stayed by her side, no matter what."

Sky moved closer to Fon, his presence a source of comfort in her moment of despair. "Fon, it's not your fault," he said gently, his voice a soothing balm to her wounded soul. "You did what you thought was best at the time. None of us could have predicted what would happen."

But Fon couldn't shake the feeling of responsibility, the nagging sense of failure that lingered in the depths of her being. She buried her face in her hands, the weight of her emotions too much to bear as she finally allowed herself to succumb to the overwhelming tide of tears.

Sky wrapped his arms around Fon, holding her close as she wept, his silent presence a beacon of solace in her moment of despair. And as Fon cried out the anguish and frustration that had been building inside her for so long, she knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would face them with Sky by her side, for together, they would find a way to bring Khong Kwan back from the darkness that threatened to consume her.

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