Chapter 9: Subtle Worries

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Khong Kwan’s face lit up with excitement as she recalled another memory. “You know,” she began, her voice full of enthusiasm, “I remember now that we also bumped into each other at the café. You were heading towards the cashier, and I was leaving it. It’s all coming back to me!”

Fon’s heart sank as she realized what Khong Kwan was referring to. The memory of their earlier encounter at the café made her feel a pang of disappointment. She nodded, her expression a mix of resignation and confusion, unable to find the words.

“Yes,” Fon said quietly, “I remember that too.”

Khong Kwan’s eyes sparkled with realization. “That’s why you looked so familiar! I couldn’t quite place you before, but now it all makes sense.”

Fon forced a smile, feeling overwhelmed. She tried to avoid delving deeper into the conversation. “I… I should probably go now,” she said, her voice strained. “I need to—”

But as Fon took a step to leave, a sharp pain shot through her ankle. She winced and stumbled, drawing Khong Kwan’s concerned gaze.

“What’s wrong?” Khong Kwan asked, her excitement quickly turning into worry. She reached out to steady Fon as she looked down.

Fon glanced at her ankle and saw an open wound, likely from the fall earlier. The pain was sharper now, making it difficult for her to move.

Khong Kwan knelt beside her, examining the injury with a frown. “You’re hurt,” she said. “Let me help you.”

Fon hesitated, but the genuine concern in Khong Kwan’s eyes made her feel a little better. “I didn’t mean to cause any trouble,” Fon said softly.

Khong Kwan shook her head. “It’s not trouble. We need to get that cleaned up. Come on, let’s get you taken care of.”

As Khong Kwan helped Fon carefully stand, the emotional weight of their encounter seemed to shift, leaving both women with a renewed sense of connection and unresolved feelings.

As Khong Kwan carefully helped Fon, she guided her to a nearby bench. Khong Kwan took out her phone to call for a first aid kit, her movements methodical and attentive.

Fon watched Khong Kwan with a mixture of nostalgia and bittersweet longing. The way Khong Kwan tended to her injury, the gentle care in her touch, and the concern in her eyes all reminded Fon of the past. It felt strangely familiar, as if the Khong Kwan she once knew was still present, just beneath the surface.

Fon murmured to herself, her voice barely audible, “It feels like... like the old Khong Kwan is still here. Even with everything that’s happened, the way she’s taking care of me... it feels like she didn’t forget about me after all.”

She sighed softly, her eyes misting with emotion. “It’s like a part of her still remembers, even if she doesn’t fully realize it.”

Khong Kwan glanced at Fon, noticing the tearful expression. “Are you okay?” she asked gently, trying to mask her own confusion and concern.

Fon nodded, trying to compose herself. “Yes, I’m fine. Thank you for helping me.”

Khong Kwan smiled warmly, though there was a hint of sadness in her eyes. “Of course. It’s the least I can do.”

As the first aid kit arrived and Khong Kwan began to clean and bandage Fon’s wound, the familiar gestures and care felt like a comforting embrace. Despite the uncertainty of their situation, the moment offered a glimmer of hope that perhaps, in time, the connection between them could be rekindled.

As Khong Kwan finished treating Fon’s ankle, she looked up with a concerned expression. “I’m sorry, but I can’t take you home myself,” Khong Kwan said apologetically. “I have to head somewhere else. Let me call a cab for you.”

Fon attempted to stand, but the pain in her ankle made her wince. “Thank you, Khong Kwan,” she said, her voice tinged with both gratitude and frustration. “I really appreciate everything you’ve done.”

Khong Kwan took out her phone and dialed for a cab. As they waited, she glanced at Fon. “Can I have your number? I want to make sure you get home safely.”

Fon gave her the number, and Khong Kwan quickly rang her phone. “I’ve saved your number. Please, when you get home, just send me a quick message to let me know you arrived safely.”

Fon nodded, a small smile playing on her lips despite the discomfort. “I will. Thank you for everything, Khong Kwan.”

The cab pulled up, and Fon slowly made her way to the vehicle. Khong Kwan watched her with a mixture of concern and hope, wishing she could do more.

As Fon settled into the cab, she looked back at Khong Kwan. “I’ll message you when I’m home. Thanks again.”

Khong Kwan gave her a reassuring smile. “Take care, okay?”

Fon nodded, feeling a tear escape despite her best efforts to remain composed. As she climbed into the cab, she glanced back at Khong Kwan, who was already heading in the opposite direction.

Sitting in the backseat, Fon’s emotions swirled. The thoughtful gestures from Khong Kwan were both heartwarming and painful, a reminder of the connection they once shared. Despite Khong Kwan’s lack of memory, the care she had shown was a poignant echo of their past relationship.

Fon wiped away her tears, a mixture of delight and sorrow flooding her heart. As the cab drove away, she clutched the phone in her hand, contemplating the unexpected reunion and what it might mean for their future.

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