Chapter Two

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 Chapter Two

Screams. My dreams are filled with shrill high pitched screams. Blood. My dreams are filled with gallons and gallons of bright crimson blood. Ghosts. My dreams are filled with Ghosts chasing and swirling around me as they delight in my fear. Drinking in it, as I drown.

Foreign voices call out to me. Pleading. Begging me to save their souls. But how can I save them when I can't even save myself? They tell me they are sorry for what they have done. They beg for forgiveness. They beg me to return them. They want me. What do they want me for?

I run and run. My legs are moving but I feel as if I am running through quicksand. I attempt to escape yet only sink deeper. I feel something grab my leg and it pulls me under.

I land in my old apartment at my going away party. Char and Becky are there. They both look sad and are holding their gifts.

"We are so sad you are leaving Ari..." they say

"We wish you could stay Ari!" they say.

They hug me and I feel strange clawed hands scraping my back. I back away in fear. They look normal. They act normal? Becky's cat, Jingle, eyes me with a look far beyond any look a cat has ever given me. I stare at it and its face contorts into a wicked grin. I blink in fear and the cat is gone. I move back more. My movements are sluggish and painful. The air is thick. The walls are shrinking.

"Don't you want your gifts Ari?" They say in unison like singing dolls.

"I-" I stutter before stopping. The words are hard to push out. They stick in my throat and choke me. I struggle to breath. They are a cruel medicine. An overdose of pain.

"Here you go Ari!" Their oddly clear and high-pitched voices ring out.

They open the bag and a million spiders crawl out and begin to swarm me. I scream and scream as they surround me. I cannot see the floor. They are spreading like a pool off black ink. The screams come out my throat and I hear them as if I am underwater.

Suddenly the ghosts are back. They are back and they are singing their begs in a chorus of hoarse whispers.

Such sweet memories Arlene... Such sweet friends... Dont you want to bring them back? Bring us back and we will help you find your friends again. BRING US BACK! BRING US BACK, ARLENE!!!

Suddenly, the Ghosts' haunting chants become my own screams and I wake up in cold sweat. I stare around. My alarm clock has saved me, annoying as it is. I see it beeping. I let it run, not wanting to be plunged back into that terrible nightmare. My heart is pumping as fast as a freight train. I hear unfamiliar voices down the stairs and a sharp stab of fear shoots through me. Fear like lightning raising every hair across my body.

I grab the first thing I see—which is a lamp—and inch down the stairs carefully. I look down to see three middle-aged, fat men in working gear. The plumbers. I am infinitely embarrassed and run to my room before they can see me. Just a dream... Just a dream... I hope they didn't see me. For a second I lay down and wonder what I'm doing with my life before getting dressed and walking to my father's room.

When he sees me he rolls his eyes. He's on his bed, looking tired.

"Finally decided to wake up then, sleeping beauty?"

I roll my eyes back at him hoping I'm not as scared looking as I feel.

"I was having a nightmare." I say. This is not very rare, but he doesn't know this was the worst nightmare of my life.

"Yeah, I could tell. I mean, God, Ari, I'm more ceiling than man at this point!" I laugh. I still don't think it's funny, though.

"Sorry about that. But we always knew you weren't all man..." I joke. He laughs.

"Anyways, I need to get to work early. I was just waiting until you woke up. I left a bagel for you on the table."

"Good luck with the stocks!" I say before he smiles, kisses my forehead and walks out the house.

* * *

For the rest of the day I sit in my room scrolling and checking my texts again every 5 minutes. I keep waiting for Char to give me her daily check in. But she never does. So, by 5:00 pm I decide I should stop waiting for something interesting to happen and I just get on with my notes.

Saturday July 24

Today I did pretty much nothing. But last night, however, I had the fright of my life. Long story short, the nightmare had spiders, ghosts and blood, and all the ghosts wanted something from me. It was scary, and scarily vivid as well. They say that whatever you are thinking of before you sleep becomes the base of your dreams. In which case, I must have been thinking about some pretty messed up stuff. I kept waiting for Char to text me. She never did. Maybe it's my fault for cutting her off rudely yesterday. Maybe friendships are bridges that can never be rebuilt. If they are the only way to cross and once they are broken, how can you travel?

My life is static

A broken television

No way to connect.

I go to the bathroom and stare in the mirror. I see a silhouette of something in my shadow for just a quick second. I fling around, and my long sandy blonde hair hits me in my face. There is nothing there. I sigh and rub my eyes. I'm just tired and paranoid from last night's dream I think, a bit embarrassed by myself. I went back to my room quietly. I feel the walls watching me.

I lay down and attempt to think positive thoughts so I don't end up like last night. I text my dad. I tell him I'll see him tomorrow. But for some reason, I begin to doubt it.

* * *

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