The charity gala was a whirlwind of glitz and glamour, with guests mingling and enjoying the lavish spread. Pratha continued to charm everyone with her grace and poise, unaware of the secrets her parents harbored. As the night wore on, another guest arrived, blending seamlessly with the crowd—a beautiful woman with striking emerald green eyes and long, dark hair: Bela.

Bela moved through the crowd with an air of confidence, her eyes constantly scanning the room. She was here for a reason, drawn by the powerful energy she sensed. As her gaze landed on Pratha, she was immediately captivated by the girl's presence. Something about her seemed familiar, yet mysterious.

Pratha, feeling the intensity of Bela's gaze, turned and met her eyes. In that instant, Bela saw it—the brief, but unmistakable, flash of red in Pratha's eyes. Bela's heart skipped a beat. She recognized the sign of transformation, a sign she knew all too well.

Unable to contain her shock, Bela quickly made her way out of the ballroom, finding a quiet corner to transform back into her white snake form. She slithered swiftly and silently out of the mansion and into the night, heading straight for the Shiv Mandir.

Upon reaching the temple, Bela transformed back into her human form and hurried inside, her mind racing with the implications of what she had just witnessed. The temple priest, sensing her urgency, looked up as she approached.

"Panditji, I have urgent news," Bela said, her voice breathless.

The priest nodded, gesturing for her to continue. "What is it, Bela?"

Bela took a deep breath, steadying herself. "I was at the charity gala tonight, and I saw her—the other girl. Her name is Pratha Sharma. I saw her eyes, Panditji. They changed color, just like Anushka's. They turned red."

The priest's eyes widened, his expression growing serious. "This confirms it then. She is indeed Anushka's sister. The signs are unmistakable."

Bela nodded, her mind still reeling. "But there's more. Her parents, Yamini and Rajesh Sharma, are not her biological parents. They have adopted her for their own selfish reasons. They seek the Naagmani and plan to use Pratha to get it."

The priest's face darkened with concern. "This complicates matters greatly. Pratha must be made aware of her true nature and her connection to Anushka, but we must tread carefully. The forces that oppose them are already in motion."

Bela's eyes flashed with determination. "I will keep an eye on Pratha and protect her from Yamini and Rajesh. We must also find a way to bring her and Anushka together. They are stronger united, and only together can they fulfill their destiny."

The priest nodded, his expression resolute. "Yes, they must discover their true selves and their connection. The prophecy must be fulfilled, and justice must be served for the wrongs done to their family."

Bela stood tall, her resolve unwavering. "I will not let anything happen to them, Panditji. I will protect them with my life."

The priest placed a hand on Bela's shoulder, his eyes filled with a mix of hope and determination. "Go, Bela. Keep them safe and guide them towards their destiny. The fate of many rests in their hands."

With a final nod, Bela transformed back into her snake form and slithered out of the temple, her mind set on her mission. She knew the road ahead would be fraught with danger and challenges, but she was determined to see Anushka and Pratha united and their true potential realized.


The moon hung high in the night sky, casting a silver glow over the dense forest that bordered the city. Virat Chaudhary walked through the woods, his senses attuned to the sounds of the night—the rustle of leaves, the distant call of an owl, and the whisper of the wind through the trees. The tranquility of the forest provided a stark contrast to the bustling life he led in the city, offering him a much-needed escape.

Serpentine Destiny: The Twin Sisters LegacyWhere stories live. Discover now