The next morning, the Shiv Mandir was serene and filled with the soft sounds of chanting and the aroma of fresh flowers. Anushka, Radha, and Raj Kapoor walked up the steps with reverence, their hearts full of anticipation and emotion.

Anushka was a vision in a traditional lavender saree, embellished with delicate silver embroidery. Her long, brown hair was styled in loose curls, cascading gracefully over her shoulders. Her blue-green eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement and determination, accentuated by a hint of kajal. She wore minimal jewelry—a pair of silver jhumkas and a simple pendant—that complemented her elegant look.

Radha, dressed in a soft peach saree with gold borders, looked graceful and serene. Raj, in a white kurta-pajama, exuded a calm strength, his eyes reflecting his love and pride for his daughter.

As they entered the temple, Pandit Ramacharya greeted them with a warm smile. Bela and Bani stood respectfully to the side, their eyes watching Anushka with a mix of admiration and concern.

Anushka folded her hands in a respectful namaste and bowed her head. "Panditji, I've come to seek blessings on my birthday. And I have something important to share."

Pandit Ramacharya nodded, his gaze steady and kind. "You may speak freely, child."

Anushka took a deep breath, glancing at her parents before continuing. "Panditji, Bela, Bani—I couldn't hide the truth from my parents. They know everything about my transformation and about Pratha."

Radha and Raj looked at each other, then at the pandit, their faces a mix of concern and pride. "Yes," Radha said softly. "We know about her true nature and her sister. We're here to support her in any way we can."

Anushka continued, "I want to know more about my biological parents. I want to see their pictures, to understand who they were."

Radha and Raj exchanged a glance, and then Radha reached into her bag, pulling out a carefully wrapped bundle. She handed it to Anushka with trembling hands. "Here, beta. These are the pictures we have. We kept them safe for you."

Anushka unwrapped the bundle with reverence, revealing photographs of a handsome couple. Her biological parents, Shivangi and Rocky. The resemblance was striking—her mother's delicate features and her father's strong jawline mirrored in her own face. Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at the images, feeling a deep connection to the people she had never known.

"Thank you," she whispered, looking up at her parents. "Thank you for keeping this for me."

Radha placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "We wanted you to know them when the time was right. They were good people, Anushka."

Pandit Ramacharya stepped forward, his voice gentle. "Your parents were extraordinary individuals, Anushka. They sacrificed much for the sake of their family and their duty. You and Pratha carry their legacy."

Anushka nodded, feeling a sense of pride and responsibility. "I understand. And I promise to honor their memory."

Bela and Bani exchanged a look, their eyes reflecting the weight of the secrets they still held. But for now, they remained silent, allowing Anushka to process the flood of emotions.

Raj, his voice steady, spoke up. "We love you, Anushka. No matter what, you are our daughter, and nothing will ever change that."

Anushka turned to her parents, her heart full. "I know, Papa. And I love you both. Thank you for being there for me, always."

The pandit smiled, a sense of peace settling over the group. "Let us pray together for guidance and strength. The journey ahead is not easy, but with love and faith, you will find your way."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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