Chapter 10: Fall Festival

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With each new year, Autumn and her family went to the Fields and Funs Fall Festival, where they would continue the various traditions of eating and riding everything.

"It's a shame mom isn't feeling well, " Heather sighed. "This is the first time in years she had to miss the festival."

"Yeah, but now we can actually explore the whole festival without her getting teary-eyed or going down memory lane for hours." Autumn's gaze flickered to a concession stand. At the sight of fried pickles, her stomach growled.

With the last of her morning sickness fading away, her appetite returned with a vengeance, and right now, she was craving pickled anything.

"Yeah, but I wanted her to see the twins on their first ride." Willow looked down at the boys holding her hands. "And for them to have their first funnel cakes and candy apples."

"That's why we have phones, Willow." Autumn pulled out her phone. "You just take a picture and it's there forever."

"But it's not the same as in person."

"If you two are going to keep arguing, then I'm going to grab a candy apple," Heather pointed back to the concession stand. "Seriously, you two have been at this for minutes now."

Autumn just shrugged as Brian moved to keep the peace. "Autumn's right, love." He kissed her forehead. "Maybe we should let the twins pick a ride to try now?"

With one last sigh, WIllow knelt down. "Alright, are we ready to head to the kid's area and ride some rides?"

"Yeah," they cheered.

"To the kids section!" Brian cheered with them, earning an eye roll from Willow.

Chuckling, they all followed along.

Closing her eyes, Autumn's nose inhaled all the various spices and dishes. Her stomach rumbled again, causing Brian to glance at her.


"Yeah, I always come to the festival hungry." After all, this was the only time she could stuff her belly and not feel guilty about all the junk food. However, now that she wasn't eating for herself, she needed to make sure what she picked was worth it.

Maybe a funnel cake? But there's also fried oreos. Oh but there are so many fries and hotdog stands. She was practically drooling from the choices.

"Hey, Autumn." Willow pointed. "Remember that?"

Autumn grimaced at the sight of the turntable. Dressed like a record, people walked inside and sat down, waiting for the door to close and the ride to spin as fast as possible. The first timeAutumn stepped in had been a dare, and it did not end well for the person managing the ride. Since then, she had always made sure to go in on an empty stomach.

"Are you ready to hit it again?"

"Oh, um..." She glanced around. "I was actually thinking about grabbing some food instead. You know I'm getting too old to ride."

At Willow's raised eyebrow, Autumn fought back a wave of panic. Am I being too obvious? She still couldn't let them know about the baby.

"Well, I think me and Kyle are going on." Heather grabbed Kyle's hand. "Come on."

"Wait, what?"

Heather dragged him away. Watching them step into line, Autumn met Willow's gaze again before she averted her eyes. She's starting to get suspicious.

"Autumn?" A male voice questioned.

She turned her head. Wait, is that? Sure enough, Gian walked up to them with a woman on his left and a little girl maybe close to eight on his right. As they drew closer, the girl ducked behind the woman's leg.

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