It's not my fault its like this! There is no need for this kind of attention! I'm just a normal regular person!
But someone is always figuring out my initials! Why do they even matter? They're just stupid letters!
I pouted as a I walked home in the city of New York. It was raining and I was coming from a party I thought I was invited to but was just a nasty prank by these stupid school bullies. I can't even believe that they would do such a thing! I bought a dress for this and everything! A dress!
As I turned on my street, I felt a raindrop fall on my nose from the dark night sky. Great. Now it's raining!
I ran the rest of they way home and fumbled with my keys as I tried to find the right one.
Where was it?
I finally held grasp of the correct key and places it carefully into the door lock and turned it hearing a subtle click.
I burst inside the door and saw both of my parents were standing in front of it, arms crossed with dirty looks on their faces.
"Pam Marie Sterns you were supposed to be home 2 flipping hours ago!!" Except Dad didn't say the word "Flipping".
"Let me explain--" I tried to say.
"Go to your room. We'll talk when I'm done hyperventilating." said Mom.
I ran up to my room no questions asked because mom could get pretty scary when she's mad. Then I laid down on my bed and waited. A couple minutes later, I heard a knock on my white wooden door.
"Come in," I said, solemnly.
They door clicked opened and they both rushed in and sat in the bed next to me.
"Explain," they said at the same time.
"You see, because of my initials, I get made fun of all the time--"
"We know that part get to the point." Mom said impatiently.
"Casey..." Dad said warningly.
"Fine," Mom said looking away.
"Anyway, since I'm getting bullied all the time, they decided to 'invite' me to that party and knowing me, I decide to go because I NEED FRIENDS."
I stopped to catch my breath.
"Go on..." Mom said making a hand movement.
"Be patient!" Dad warned her again.
"So they decided to lock me up in their closet. They said there was a present inside for me. I went inside and they locked the door and I heard laughter. I had to sit in their until the host of the party's parent came home. They opened their closet and screamed because they, of course, had no idea a living soul was in there. The end." I finished.
"Honey we need to talk to the principal about the kids that are bullying you!" Mom said.
"Don't you think I tried that?" I snapped. Mom had a hurt look on her face.
"Sorry I'm a bit hangry right now." (Hangry: hungry and angry) I said.
"Let's go to the kitchen and get you some food," dad suggested. Then, one at a time, we left my room and headed for the kitchen.
I grabbed a piece of bread and peeled off the crust carefully. Then I put it into the toaster, plugged the toaster in, and pushed down the lever/ button thing.
"So, Mom, how's work been?" I asked.
"Same as always. I hate everyone."
I nodded without knowing what else to say. Then, saving me from the awkwardness, my toast came out of the toaster.
I put it onto a plate and went over to the refrigerator and grabbed the butter. I pulled it out off the shelf and put it onto the counter. Then I went over to the drawer and got the butter knife. I stuck the knife into the butter, pulled it out, and began to spread it.
After putting everything away, I put it at my spot at the dinner table, then I grabbed a cup of apple juice and sat down.
Dad came to the table with an egg, while mom had a bowl of cereal. It's weird how we all chose breakfast foods.
We began to eat in silence, having little bits of conversation here and there. Then Mom and Dad had a conversation while I zoned out, but for some reason they were whispering, like they didn't want me to know what they were talking about. The little bits I heard were: "new," "9 months," "cravings," and "big."
I knew what this meant.
"Mom? Are you pregnant?" I asked.
They both just started laughing.
"What?!" I demanded.
"Where did you get that silly idea?!" Mom asked, still laughing.
"Uh, never mind." I said, now embarrassed.
Then I looked down at my empty plate and heard someone say "Phew!" And I looked up and gave them my best evil glare imaginable.
"I'm going to get ready for bed now,"I told them.
"Ok, goodnight sweetie!" Mom said.
Dad nodded because his mouth was full.
I ran up to my room and brushed my teeth. Then I washed my face and changed into my polka dot pj's. Then I went into my room and went to sleep.
I hear a roar of laughter as I went into school the next morning. Everyone was pointing, laughing, chanting my "nickname" they gave me (Which was PMS, my initials). Teachers, principals, lunch ladies, even the school's nurse was changing with everyone.
"ITS NOT MY FAULT THIS IS MY NAME!!" I yelled to them. But did they stop? No...
I fell to my knees and put my head in my hands.
"It's not my fault..." I said quietly, feeling the wetness of my tears in my hands.
I'm sorry this chapter was a little boring, and unedited, I've just never written a chapter this long before. I hope you keep reading!
-Annie 😘
It's not my fault
DiversosPam Marie Sterns has been made fun of her whole life. I bet you can't guess why. Think about it. Here's a hint: it has something to do with her name. Yea that's right, her initials is PMS.