44 | Crimson smile

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Chapter 44 | Crimson smile


This was madness entirely. Wondering briefly if the rot inside her had crept up into her brain and addled her senses, Aire approached the Púca. There would be a lot to do and very little time to do so. The small, mischievous creatures who had followed her so silently since she had woken up in the cave just looked down at her with those too wide eyes. They had been silent since observing Bloodbound Avon.

They were frightened.

Yet, they lingered.

"Friends of Cearna," Aire stood in the shadow of their perching trees, her face tilted up to them. "I need your help."

The Púca said nothing. Fear thrummed inside of Aire like a war-song, thudding heavy with each beat of her heart. For once, that fear wasn't for her. It was for the people in the mountain and the ancient hound who lay captured. His capture would mean further defilement of Cearna: Kaelara mocked and insulted Cearna with their every breath, but they hoarded her vast resources and riches with impunity.

Her sister would have given a mighty speech. So would have Junhyn. She wished for his slithering tongue and slimy words now. She had just herself, her fear and her Wield.

"I need to save the Cú Sidhe." She told them. "The Crimsons of the Kaelarian Empire and a Bloodbound of the Emperor's hidden army has captured him."

Simultaneously, all Púca looked to the Bloodbound standing far away on the shores of the lake. Cadán had declared that he would prepare food because if 'her soft heart' as he called it, was going to drag him to attack Crimsons, then they would need full bellies. Aire had pretended not to see him raise a hand over the water as he stood at the shore-side as if by old habit – waiting for it to stir beneath him.

"He is a friend of Cearna," she told them. "His blood has soaked our land in a promise of loyalty. We intend to save the Cú Sidhe and we cannot do it alone."

Púca began to descend the trees. They were still silent, but Aire felt their denial like a stone weighing heavy in the pit of her stomach.

She continued, "If the Cú Sidhe falls, who protects Dearmain? Who will protect you?"

They reached the cold ground, still staring at her with those wide eyes. She didn't know what to say and she cursed herself for not being cleverer, more like Ríona. No creature of Cearna would have denied her. How could they when to look upon her was to know that you were protected.

"If you will not help, then run. Run far and be safe." Aire told them. As they reached the ground, they began to shudder and ripple. Bile rose in Aire's throat as their skin bubbled and bones snapped. They made no sound. Wolves, sleek and lithe, began to appear where the Púca had been. Their fur was dark as night and looked to be freshly oiled. Their eyes, still to big for their canine faces, burned like wildfire.

They looked at her for a long moment. Then scattered into the forests in every direction, running silently on padded paws and vanished.

She returned to the Bloodbound, dejected but not surprised.

He looked up from the fish he had caught and was cooking. She plucked the frost-berries from the leaf sheet he had laid them on and popped it into her mouth. "They ran."

"I noticed."

"I am not surprised." Aire sat for a moment. The ache of the last few days had settled inside her and she was tired. Tired and yet, she knew she would have to push herself to her limit as darkness fell. "Púca were always known to be tricksters."

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