Scott sighed as Philza left the room. Finally, some alone time!! He collapsed on his bed tired of all of the talking. He looked over towards the window on the other side of his room. He should probably get something to eat, seeing as he only had breakfast. Scott took a deep breath in and out before pushing himself out of the soft bed. He quietly walked out of his room and started to head towards the front door. Well, that was until he saw Philza talking with Lauren and Capt. Sparklez, his two siblings.

Scott twitched his tail, catching the attention of his older brother. Capt. Sparklez excused himself from the conversation and joined Scott. The pair walked out the door and down the mountain. "So may I ask, why did you not tell me and Lauren about your dreams? Is this why you've been acting weird lately?" Scott slightly looked down as they both made their way to the Pub. "I didn't really know who I would tell the dreams to... I mean, would you have believed it if I said I had a dream like that and that I know the people in those dreams?" Capt. Sparklez laughed a bit, "Alright, I guess you kinda got me there!"

"Told ya!~" Capt. Sparklez rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, yeah... Ya smug idiot." Scott let out a dramatic gasp, "How dare you say that to your younger brother! Ugh, that is so rude!" Capt. Sparklez just laughed at how dramatic Scott was being. "Well, it's good to see that you haven't changed that much!" Scott laughed a bit, "Haha... Yeah..."

The pair continued their journey to the pub. There weren't that many people in there, really only Sneeg and Jack. Jack was laughing at Sneeg, who had gotten stuck inside a small jar. Oh, and Jack had put the on top of the jar, so Sneeg couldn't even try and jump out. "You're an ass, Jack." Jack only laughed more.

"I don't understand your friends, Scott..." Scott quietly chuckled, "You don't have to understand them, Sparklez. Plus, you grew up with the King and Queen and all those other pristine Starbornes. So you're not used to what me and Laur are used to yet. And that's fine, Sparklez." The pair sat down by Jack and Sneeg. "SCOOOOOTTTTT!!!!! JACK PUT ME IN HERE!!!!!" Scott laughed a bit, "Why did he put you in there?" Jack spoke up, well as best as he could through all the laughing, "I dared him that he couldn't jump in there from the shelves! And when he got in there-"

"HE CLOSED THE FUCKING LID ON ME AND NOW I CAN'T GET OUT!!!!" Scott sighed, quietly shaking his head, showing his disappointment in the both of them. "Jack let Sneeg out. He'll probably run out of air if you leave him in there too long." Jack groaned a bit but did end up letting Sneeg out of the jar. "UGH! Thank you, Scott." The Starborne smiled, "Anytime, Hun."

"Why do you call everyone that?" Confusion dripped from Capt. Sparklez voice. "Hm? I'm not quite sure... It just, I don't know, feels right... I guess?" Capt. Sparklez gave Scott a small nod, though he quickly became distracted as Sneeg pulled one of his rings off of his finger. "Huh? Uh- HEY YOU GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE THEIF!!!!" Sneeg only laughed as Capt. Sparklez started to chase him around the pub. Soon the pair ran out, leaving Scott and Jack in the pub alone.

"Hey, Scott, how are ya doin?" Scott gave Jack a slightly confused look before he realized what Jack was talking about. "O-oh...Uh, better than I was earlier, I guess... Phil told you huh?" Jack sighed, "Yeah, both I and Sneeg know. Phil thought we would want to know as out of everyone, other than your siblings, we are your closest friends." Scott quietly nodded his head before letting out a sigh.

"These dreams are so confusing... I mean, they are familiar, but just... UGH! I don't know..." Jack moved over so that he was sitting right next to Scott. "I'm sorry you're going through this, Scott... Though... It does kind of remind me of something..." Scott looked over at Jack, waiting for whatever this thing was. "Well... It's a bit of a long story... I think..." Scott sighed, "Well? Go ahead then."


Jimmy passed back and forth, he was absolutely exhausted, but he couldn't sleep. If they didn't find a Starborne soon, he would lose his sister and Brooke would lose the remaining parent she has alive. He didn't want Brooke to grow up without her mother... But the longer they wait, and the more failed patrols... It was starting to look like their hopes were futile...

Jimmy was pulled from his thoughts when he heard the familiar sound of a pair of feet running across the floor. He turned around just in time to see Brooke, holding a rather large book in her hands. Jimmy immediately recognized the book. "Poppy, where did you get that? You know you're not supposed to touch something you're not supposed to." Brooke only started to walk over to a table, where she dropped the book. "Poppy!" Jimmy walked over to where Brooke was standing on a chair. "Poppy, answer me." She stopped flipping through the pages and pointed at a specific myth.


Jimmy paused, What in the world...? What the hell does that mean? 'When the snow becomes stars'? Jimmy gently picked Brooke up from where she was standing on the chair. He quickly sat down, setting Brooke on his lap, as he reread the myth over and over again.

"What could that mean...?" Jimmy whispered under his breath. Brooke quickly got up and ran out of the room, returning a few minutes later holding a small picture. She held the picture up for Jimmy. "Huh? Uhm, thank you?" Jimmy looked at the picture, his body freezing when he saw who was in the picture.

It was Scott Major of Rivendell... It was his fiance... His Petal... Small tears filled Jimmy's eyes as he stared at the picture. This was taken a few days before he... Jimmy gently set the picture down, looking back at Brooke. "What are you suggesting, Poppy?" Brooke slightly looked down, "I thought that maybe... Maybe he is the snow...?" Jimmy looked back at the picture, then at the myth. Maybe... Just maybe...

Jimmy felt as though claws had ripped through his heart. He couldn't hold it... Jimmy collapsed on the table. His face buried in his arms as he sobbed. He could feel a hesitant tug on his pants, but he couldn't bring himself to look at Brooke. He didn't blame her for what was happening, but Cod did it hurt to see his fiance again... Even if it was just a picture...

He felt Brooke hug his leg, almost as if she was trying to apologize... Jimmy, though still sobbing, slowly reached his hand down to pat her on the head. After a few minutes of this, Jimmy abruptly stood up, grabbing both the book and the picture. "Come on, Poppy. We're going to take finding a Starborne into our own hands."

We Were Always Destined To Be Together, My Love~Where stories live. Discover now