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Scott's eyes slowly fluttered open, Where in the world...? The Starborne tried to sit up but was quickly pulled down by a weight on his chest and something sitting by his legs. Scott looked over to his left, his face flushing a bright red when he saw Jimmy cuddling him. He quietly looked down, only to be met with that familiar brownish-pink hair. It was Brooke. A smile etched itself onto Scott's face as he slightly relaxed into the warmth of Jimmy and Brooke. He could get used to this... He quietly closed his eyes, letting out a contented sigh.

Scott quietly groaned as he felt something shake him awake. He eventually opened his eyes, looking around to see that Brooke was the one waking him up. "Ugh... Alright, alright, I'm up..." He quietly pushed himself up to a sitting position. God, why the hell was he so tired? He pulled himself off of the bed, stretching out his body, a few pops coming from him as he stretched his body to its limits. He reached over to grab his coat once he finished stretching. God he really needed a bath... "Hey, Brooke? Is there a bathroom close by?"

"There is one connected to this room. It's that door right there." Scott whipped his head around to stare at Jimmy. "H-how long...?" A quiet laugh came from the cod hybrid. "I haven't been up for that long, Dear. I only just woke up in time to hear you ask that question." Jimmy said, rubbing one of his eyes to try and help properly wake up. Scott gave a hesitant nod, though he quickly realized that he didn't have his stuff with him. He must've left it back on shore. "You need some clothes?" Scott slowly nodded his head.

Jimmy pulled himself off of the bed, walked over to a closet, and pulled out some clothes. Scott stared at the clothes, they looked... Oddly familiar... It was a cyan button-up shirt with golden buttons, a slightly darker-colored pair of pants, and a brown corset-like belt. Scott twitched his ear, it looked comfortable enough. "These belonged to an old friend of mine. They don't have any use to me... You can have them for now." Scott hummed, quietly thanking the Cod before walking into the bathroom.

The Starborne set the clothes down on the edge of the sink, quickly pulling the slightly ripped clothes off of his body. He walked over to the tub, turned on the water, and waited for it to get warm enough. As he waited, Scott went over to check if he had locked the door, which he did. The Starborne let out a sigh as he walked back to the tub, sitting on the edge of it, slowly trying to gather his thoughts. His mind was racing, but he didn't recognize any of the things that were going through his head.

First, it was an image of a snowy empire, then a statue of a stag, a seemingly black and purple demon, poppy flowers that sat in a man-made lush cave, and lastly a wedding ring. Out of everything, that was the only thing Scott recognized. It was that ring Shelby had given to Scott... Was this ring somehow connected to these random memories? Scott shook his head, bringing his mind back to the present. He silently turned off the water, slowly stepping into the tub, and laying down in the warm water.

Scott leaned his head back, just trying to relax and desperately trying to make his mind go blank. But no matter what he did, nothing worked. His mind would always somehow manage to go back to these dreams and memories and that ring... He tried to think about his friends and siblings. He kind of wondered how Lauren and Capt. Sparkles were... He missed them... He quickly washed himself off, drained the tub, dried himself off, and then got dressed. The clothes fit him perfectly, kinda weird, but he guessed it made sense.

After making sure that his hair was dried off, Scott quietly exited the bathroom. He looked around the bedroom, but no one was there. He walked back over to the side table by the bed, putting back on his golden jewelry, only to notice that the ring was gone. Scott's eyes widened, What the hell...? Where did... Scott shook his head, maybe Shelby had it. He sighed, but turned away from the table and left the room, deciding to see if he could find Shelby to ask about it.


Jimmy paced back and forth as Shelby did their best to explain their theory of Scott. They had a strong theory that Scott might be King Smajor. Though Jimmy didn't really believe it. I mean, while Scott slightly acted like King Smajor, he just couldn't be... "Are you really sure about this? He can't be him..." Shelby sighed, "Listen. You know that I am Shub Berry, a gnome that's supposed to be dead. Yet here I am, the only difference being that I'm now a phantom. I was brought back, that means Scott could've been brought back as a Starborne."

"But he doesn't even know anything of King Smajor!" Jimmy covered his face with his hands, still pacing back and forth in front of Shelby. "While yes, he doesn't really have any actual memories of King Smajor's life, but he has been having these 'dreams'... These dreams have been flashbacks of small moments from King Smajor's life. One of the ones he had was of when you and him went out on a date together. Another was when I and him had our first meeting."

"Ugh... I'm just not sure..." Shelby slightly muffled out a sigh. They quietly walked over to Jimmy, stopping him in his tracks. "Just try anyway Jim. You never know, maybe he is." Shelby gave Jimmy a small smile. The taller sighed but smiled a bit. "Alright. I'll see what I can actually do..." Shelby nodded their head. "Shelby! Where are you!!" Before Shelby and Jimmy could do or say anything, Scott peaked into the room. "Ah! There you are! Do you know where that ring went?" Shelby gave Scott a quick nod, disappearing from Jimmy's side and reappearing by Scott. "Here ya go, Scott!"

The Starborne quietly thanked Shelby. Jimmy quietly stared at Scott, he looked almost exactly like... He quickly whipped his face, as small tears had started to fill Jimmy's eyes. "Good morning, Scott." The Starborne smiled at Jimmy, who noticed that Scott's tail was waving back and forth really quickly. Scott eventually excused himself to see if he could go and find Niki. Shelby looked over at Jimmy, whose face was bright pink. "Even if he isn't King Smajor, it seems like you like him." Jimmy slightly nodded his head, covering the lower part of his face with one of his hands to try and hide his blush. 

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