Chapter 165: Dear Cedric,

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February 14, 1996

Dear Cedric,

Merlin, what a wild couple of months it's been. I had to read my last letter to you again just so I'd remember what I last told you and update you accordingly.

About Quidditch, my first match as Beater is on Saturday! Truthfully, I'm more excited than I am nervous. I know, that's crazy, but I can't help but feel like I'm finally finding my footing again after being so unstable for so long. I'm finally figuring out who I am and where I'm supposed to be. I loved Chaser, but Beater just feels RIGHT. As fun as it was scoring the points, there's something that feels right about being one of the people protecting the rest of the team. We had practice only a couple days before the full moon, and I actually felt stronger instead of weaker. Playing Beater feels right, and having Ginny as the other Beater just makes it that much better.

GINNY. MERLIN. YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE THIS GIRL. SHE'S AN ANIMAGUS NOW. A HORSE, A WHITE HORSE WITH BLACK SPOTS IN THE PATTERN OF HER FRECKLES. She's mad, I'm telling you. I love her, mad though she is. She's mad in the best way possible. Don't tell her I said that. I just tell her she's mad and that I love her, in that order.

I got a few more answers about my magic. Apparently it's not terribly uncommon for werewolves to have something like this happen, though it's unusual that it happened to me so young. It happened to Remus (Professor Lupin) when he was 21. I've found that I'm able to control my magic best when I let myself release it; I've started dueling Harry and Ginny and Neville a couple times a week, and sometimes I even let it go during Quidditch practice. It makes Dennis laugh when I whack a Bludger with so much force orange sparks explode from my bat. He's our new Seeker, by the way! Dennis Creevey, Colin's younger brother. We've become good friends, actually, since he loves Charms as much as I do. I've started teaching a couple of the fun ones from the book you got me when I turned 12.

Mr. Weasley made a full recovery, thankfully! As far as Harry's concerned, we don't have too many answers yet about what happened and why, but he's started Occlumency lessons with Snape. I still feel like Harry would learn better if Professor Dumbledore was the one giving the lessons, and I still hate Snape, but I suppose I just have to hope Harry starts to get the hang of it soon. He hasn't complained of any strange dreams in quite a while. I can tell his scar bothers him, though, even when he tries not to show it. I know him too well.

Speaking of us, I don't know exactly where we stand, but I think I know where we will end up one day. Technically speaking, he's Cho's boyfriend, but I don't think that will last much longer. Cho was perfect for you, and you were perfect for her. I love Harry dearly, but he's not you. I supported Harry and Cho wholeheartedly, I promise I'm not saying this from a place of jealousy. I supported their relationship until it became clear they were both miserable in it. Now I just hope one or both of them has the sense to end it before they hurt each other further. Cho just wants to feel close to you, which I completely understand, but it's not good for Harry to keep going back to that night. It's not good for any of us.

We had to go back to that night today, though. I hope it will be worth it. Harry and I both talked to Rita Skeeter (yes, THAT Rita Skeeter... truly awful) because she's going to publish something in The Quibbler about what happened — the FULL truth about what happened. I think people are ready to listen. There was a breakout from Azkaban, and I doubt people are satisfied with the answers (or lack thereof) in the Prophet. I think people might be more willing to give Harry a shot now. I think people might want to listen to me, too. The name Diggory carries weight, even though it's not truly mine. Well... no. It IS mine. I may not have been their daughter, but I always have been and always will be your sister.

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