Chapter 6: Jackpot

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Back where we left tho, Adam is currently sitting on the dirt right now with a woman in a nun outfit coming out of nowhere and nearly cut off his "Rebellion".

Eventually Adam managed to snap out from his shock and quickly jumped back while catching his breath.

Then glares at the nun.

Adam: "Hey! What's the big idea attacking me out nowhere?! you crazy--" *bleep*! 💢

???: "Stop wasting time! Get eliminated!"

Adam: "Wait what?!-- WHOA!!"

Adam barely dodge the nun's pole-arm as she keeps thrusting trying to impaled him but the mercenary dodge her attacks with ease.

The nun seemed to be getting impatient at each passing moment due to Adam who just kept avoiding her ongoing strikes.

???: "Tch..! Quite dodging like a coward!"

Then the nun rushes to Adam at top speed as the Mercenary dodge it once more but this he quickly pulls out Labor of Olympus and slashes the nun polar-arms upwards breaking her offensive strike leaving her in shocked with the open moment Adam used the opportunity to get away from her but the nun managed to snap out of trance and quickly followed him.

Then he appeared in front of her with a smirk on his face.

Adam: "Sorry Lady, but I'm in a--"

But then all of the sudden the mercenary got tripped on by a rock and "accidentally" kissed the nun on the lips.... it felt time had stopped for a brief moment.

Adam stared in widened eyes in shock and surprised on what he just did... before he quickly parted away from her and backed away in shock.

Adam quickly panicked and began apologizing to the stunned Nun.

Adam: "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that!!!"

He said in distressed while the Nun still remained in shock as she started to drop down her polar-arm and falls on her knees as she placed her fingers on her lips.

???: "T-That was my first kiss...."

Adam's Mind: "OH MY FUCK!!"

???: "Y-you took it.... you took it..."

Adam: "M-miss, I'm really so sorry!!"

He tries to calm her down as she keeps mumbling words that he can't even hear after the moment realizing that this happened with Eula before out of his fear again.... Adam quickly runs away leaving the stunned nun alone.

Adam: "Fucking hate my luck!"

He said while still running away meanwhile the Nun didn't give the chase to him... but instead she keeps mumbling while still touching her lips.

???: "W-what is this feeling?"

???: "W-what is this feeling?"

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