tHe GrEaT hIdDeN sEa Of ThE uNcOnScIoUs

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(This story takes place AFTER episode 23.5) Warning: This story contains descriptive gore and lots of negative mental states and thoughts. If you are sensitive to anything listed above, I advise you click off. This story is not for the faint of heart. (Credits to MrCreepyPasta for the original video. LINK: (THIS IS NOT CANON!)

"America! America!" An ushered whisper flooded his colorful monstrosity that was his mind at the moment. He felt the painful colors dim, the pain disappearing, the hand leaving his. The whisper "This wasn't supposed to happen." Slowly faded out....away...and...far...

He then woke up. Seeing the group looking at him, full of traumatized worry. He realized the one saying his name was no other than England. Their faces filled with relief as they saw his eyes open. "Are you okay, friend..?" Russia whispered, seemingly worried. Silence simmered in. Suddenly China started to whisper frantically "Liver...Liver....Liver...." "Liver?" France asked, confused. Suddenly reality dawned on all of them, Liver. A liver. A human's liver. Italy's liver. There attention turned to the campsite, watching the horrifying scene before them. Italy was sliced open, from the neck to the belly button. His insides were exposed, blood flowed out of him, his organs exposed to the night sky. His eyes in such a way, open, the way it glistened. As if....he'd accepted this horrible fate. Nobody had ever seen Italy this...expressionless. This....dead. They saw as Japan skillfully sliced open his heart, it's insides oozing out. He sliced it open as if simply it was a peach. He offered the other half to Germany, he took it before eating it. Fulfilling their hunger.

"NO!" America bursted out into tears, not being able to handle the scene. This reaction was unexpected. Tears flooded his cheeks, being too overwhelmed with emotions. England immediately put his hand in front of America's mouth. "Don't get us caught....I know it hurts...I know it hurts..." England said in a whispered voice. "What do we do...?" France asked, unsure of the future that lies ahead of them. "I'm not sure." China responded, "Maybe....make a new plan?" The group nodded in agreement, besides America, who was still sobbing. "Let's return to camp, we'll think there and so....we won't risk getting eaten."

The group left where they were, mortified at what the night presented to them. As they walked back to the forest, their hearts ached in disgust. Their minds unable to handle the prospect of Italy being a victim of cannibalism.  When they returned back to the camp, they sat in silence before lighting the campfire again. But even the light of the campfire wasn't enough to brighten the darkness that unfolded in earlier events. None of them were allies with Italy, but still..they're was still a mutual respect held. The silence burned, it left marks. They didn't know what to do, what to say....nothing...America was dead silent. Sitting next to England, why? It was the unexpected expected. Perhaps he found comfort in the one that used to care deeply for him, the hate they had for each-other was silenced for now. 

Soon...they fell asleep except America. America was in a state at the moment. He felt as if darkness had embodied him. A string tied to his neck, pulled too hard and he'd cease to survive. He felt, uncomfortable. Unsafe, Unsure. It was too much. Too much? Too much?! TOO MUCH?! He was mentally screaming on the inside. He felt things as if his personality that existed a day ago never existed. He felt himself drift off into sleep, the darkness swallowing him. 

He woke up.

The furniture is very fancy. He then realized, this was his bedroom from when he was a child. He stretched, he noticed his body was small. He got off from the bed and went out into the hall, there was England. Talking to person, his attention shifted to America. He smiled, a smile he hadn't seen in years. One of true care and affection. He walked over to America and picked him up. "Good Morning, Alfred. How was your rest?" He asked in a sweet caring tone. "It was okay." America responded shyly. "That's good. I have some work to do, there is breakfast ready in kitchen, so you should head there and eat up. Kay chap?" America nodded to England's words. England gently placed him back down on the floor. "See you." England said before America walked away. He walked down the long and elegant hallway. He turned the corner, he stopped. It was a little maid, wearing green and white. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" America asked, the little maid's eyes widened and then they ran dropping their broomstick behind them. The drop crashed hard into the floor. He jolted awake from his dream. "huh..?" he rubbed his eyes and yawned, it was still night. He gently stood up and looked around, suddenly he saw something and went over to it. As he approached the object came clearer.

A broomstick, with a note next to it saying "Actions can be undone."

Hetalia: Axis Powers (Episode 23.6 LOST MEDIA) (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now