ThIs Is MuCh CoNfUsInG

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This story takes place AFTER episode 23.5) Warning: This story contains descriptive gore and lots of negative mental states and thoughts. If you are sensitive to anything listed above, I advise you click off. This story is not for the faint of heart. (Credits to MrCreepyPasta for the original video. LINK: (THIS IS NOT CANON!)

America seemed confused, to say the least. He stared at the broom for a good while, examining it's texture and then continuing to follow his subconscious thought. "Where...did this come from?" He asked himself. He gently placed the broomstick back onto the ground, before checking the time. It was 4:35 am....still early. He sighed, in confusion and disbelief and what has been going on in only 24 hours. He went to turn around and saw Russia standing there. "Russia? Did I wake you up or something, dude?" He asked apologetically, Russia was silent before speaking up. "Come with me." He said ominously before walking away. "Hey! Wait up, dude!" America called out as he ran to catch up with Russia. When he finally did he spoke up. "What's going on..? What the hell is with the Mr. Mysterio attitude, man?" "It's about Italy." He said, America went quiet at those words. Russia continued to walk, they entered the forest again soon to be met with the sounds of nightly nature. They walked for a good twenty minutes before giggles were heard. Giggles? They sounded from children. "What the f*ck...?" America said, totally freaked out. His hands felt cold at the sudden change of tone. Russia suddenly stopped, looking over at a stream that was running. Two small kids were in there, playing, naked. America's eyes widened, "T-The one with brown hair! I saw that kid in my dream!" Russia simply nodded before speaking up. 

"I'm aware."

"Your aware?" America asked, confused. "Yes, I've noticed your behavior. We have a purpose America, we are going to fix things." Russia says with some kind of confidence. 

"What? What do you mean 'fix things?' 

(Sorry short chapter this time.)

Hetalia: Axis Powers (Episode 23.6 LOST MEDIA) (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now