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May 17, 2015

"Y/N?" A husky voice reached my ears, instantly making me nervous.

Turning my head slowly I caught the attention of a pair of familiar green eyes, which immediately locked onto mine.

"Lauren, hey" I breathed out once my eyes registered the long black dress that clung to her body, not to mention the dangerously low neck line.

"It's really good to see you, it's been awhile" Lauren replied.

"Yeah it has, how have you been?"

"Great actually, and you?"


"Yeah really great too"

"I didn't expect to see you here! Are you presenting an award as well?"

"No I'm performing actually"

"Oh wow cool!We-"

"LAUREN COME ON WE NEED TO GO!" A random voice shouted from the crowd, as they approached I realized who it was.

"Relax Dinah I was just saying goodbye" Lauren explained.

"Ohh, woah Y/N?" Dinah asked turning her attention to me.

"Yeah! Have we met?" I exclaimed, shaking her hand.

"No no,I just love your music!" Dinah said, pulling me into a big hug.

"Well we need to go get ready, it was really nice to see you again Y/N." Lauren cut in.

"You as well"

Before I got the chance to leave Dinah's hand wrapped around my arm.

"Hold up! Give me your phone, lemme add my number!"

After getting her number I finally made my way through the busy swarm of people and found my seat.

September 27, 2012

"Lauren shh, you're going to be amazing. I've heard you sing and we've sang together and trust me you're the best singer I have ever listened to. If they don't like you then that's their loss, but there is no reason why they wouldn't. I'll be right here when you come off that stage. I l-."

"Lauren Jauregui you're up" A voice chimed in.

Lauren sent me one last nervous glance before following the lady up the stairs that led onto the stage. My heart pounded furiously waiting for Lauren to perform.

Two Months Later

"We'll see each other soon, just relax and be happy for me" Lauren reasoned.

"You know I am happy for you but it's just hard, I really miss you..."

"You wanted me to live out my dreams and that's exactly what I am doing. These girls mean a lot to me too."

We ended up not seeing each other for a year because of their busy schedules and how fast they were blowing up. We stopped talking after that, it became too difficult to keep a relationship so everything ended abruptly.


"Soo that's the Y/N, hey?" Dinah chimed in as they found their seats.

"That's her..." Lauren mumbled.

"She's gorgeous, wow."

"Tell me about it"

"Well I got her number so maybe she can come hang out with us and you guys can rekindle your relationship" Dinah nudged Lauren before getting distracted by the screaming crowd.

Lauren sunk farther down into her seat as Y/N rose up from below the stage.


DinahSaur 10:19 pm: Wow great job out there!! You looked like a BOSS

Y/N 10:22 pm: Thank you !! :)

DinahSaur 10:25 pm: All of us are going back to the hotel for drinks and movies, you're welcome to join ?

Y/N 10:30 pm: Thank you for the offer but I'm not sure if that's such a good idea .. It'd be kind of awkward with Lauren and I together. We haven't seen each other in years.

DinahSaur 10:32 pm: Come onnnnnn! The rest of the girls really want to meet you! Plus it's kind of impossible for it to be awkward with us, we're crazy! What do you say?

Y/N 10:32 pm: OK FINE, meet you outside in a few minutes

\\ Hey! This is my first Lauren/You so please comment and like, that'd mean a lot :) Also lemme know if I should continue ??

Thank you ! <3 \\

Lauren/You - Certain ThingsWhere stories live. Discover now