Spin The Bottle

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"Y/N!" Dinah screamed before engulfing me into yet another big hug.

"This is Camila, Normani, and Ally! Guys this is Y/N" She added on before sending them a wink.

We just arrived at the hotel room and Lauren hasn't said a word to me yet. Before we could even get settled Camila dove straight for the phone quickly dialing room service, ordering a crazy amount of alcohol and pizza.

It is a few hours later and we are completely drunk and Lauren and I were somehow roped into playing spin the bottle...

"Ok since Y/N is the guest she can spin first!" Ally exclaimed.

I grabbed one of the many empty bottles from the floor and placed it into the middle of the circle, taking a deep inhale before spinning it. All of our eyes were completely fixated on the moving object anxiously waiting to see who it would land on. Lauren sat opposite to me and as we made eye contact for the first time this night and sent me a warm smile, but it was quickly replaced with a frown as her eyes glanced down at the bottle.

It landed on Camila.

She didn't waste anytime to spring up from where she was sitting and crawl over to me. I could barely register what was happening before I was drowning in the stench of alcohol. Just as I felt a tongue lick my lips, Lauren interrupted.

"OK Camila that's enough!" Lauren spoke, yanking Camila back to where she was normally sitting.

"Geesh I was just following the rules of the game Laur" Camila argued, before sticking her tongue out at her.

"Anyways, it's your turn Camila" Dinah added impatiently.

The bottle landed on Dinah and they shared a quick kiss before moving on. It didn't take long for the bottle to be back in my hands after sharing a giggly kiss with Ally. I spun the bottle and awaited my fate. I wasn't too nervous until it stopped on Lauren.

"Oooooooh interesting" Dinah clapped.

Lauren sent Dinah a death glare before glancing back to me. Lauren and I met half way on our knees. We started to lean in but as I opened my eyes for a mere second I noticed a weird expression on Lauren's face.

"Lauren are you ok?" I asked pulling away. She looked really pale.

"I think i'm going to thro-"

Before she could finish her sentence Lauren threw up all over me, which received numerous amounts of gagging from the girls.

"Oh my god Y/N, I'm so sorry!!" Lauren panicked running to the bathroom to get towels.

"Well that was interesting..." Ally chimed in holding back a laugh.

I made my way over to the bathroom and as Lauren began to clean me up she broke down in tears.

"Lauren seriously it's ok! Just some puke..."

"No Y/N it's not ok... I ruined everything" Lauren sobbed.

"You really didn't, I might just stay away from you when you drink" I attempted to lighten the situation but Lauren's tears kept flowing.

"Here's an extra shirt Y/N, figured you'd need it" Dinah said, reaching her arm through the cracked open door.

"Thank you"

I absentmindedly peeled off my shirt throwing it into the bathtub when I noticed that a pair of green eyes were burning into my skin.

"Lauren?" I whispered quietly to her hoping to catch her attention, but it didn't work.


"Uh y-ya? She answered, taking a big gulp.

"Let's get you to bed, yeah?" I answered.


Once we stepped outside the bathroom we noticed all of the girls were already passed out. Dinah and Camila were intertwined on the floor and Ally and Normani were occupying one of the beds.

"I guess we're sharing" Lauren said, winking.

"Actually I think i'm going to take a taxi to my hotel"

"What, why? It's almost 2 in the morning. Plus we haven't seen each other in forever" She asked confused.

"That's not my fault"

"Y/N don't be like that" Lauren answered grabbing my hand trying to pull me onto the bed with her.

"I was just trying to live out my dream and of course the first few years are going to be hectic and busy."

"I thought we had something and you just dropped me"

"I know and i'm so sorry for that. But i'm here now and I don't plan on leaving. Please stay for tonight and see how you feel when we wake up."

"Ok fine"

Lauren's eyes lighted up and she quickly flew under the covers. Her pointer finger lifted up and directed me beside her. We fell asleep lying face to face.

"Lauren, Y/N get UP!" Dinah screamed into our ears.

"Dinah FUCK OFF" Lauren reciprocated.

"Sorry girl but we have plans today so get off of Y/N and get ready, thanks" Dinah answered by ripping the sheets off of both of us.

I groaned before opening my eyes realizing Lauren's body was practically thrown over me. I wiggled a bit but Lauren just tightened her grip.

"If you leave i'll have no reason to stay in this bed, don't you dare leave Y/N"

"Sorry Lo but I have to get going" I said pushing Lauren off of me.

The girls had already left the room to go get breakfast before they left the hotel.

"So you've decided to go?" Lauren's face fell before it got hard again.

"Yeah, I think it's for the best." I answered reaching for my bag, heading towards the door.

"Y/N don't leave, please. I know what I did wasn't right but I was dumb ok? I wasn't ready, I am now. We could be great and you want to walk away before we even try."

"I don't know Lauren, you see all the time that people's relationships are being ruined by the media and I don't want that to happen to us."

"It won't happen"

"I don't want to take that chance... Bye Laur" I whispered before shutting the door behind me.

"Y/N! Where are you going?" Camila cried out as I rushed through the empty lobby.

"My hotel room, I have to catch a flight to Dallas"

"And what about Lauren?"

"It was nice seeing her again but that's it. Look i'm going to be late, it was nice finally meeting you. Say goodbye to the girls for me. Bye Camila!" I answered closing the door on her.

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