EP 7: Sorrow

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Arno is seen entering the Brotherhood cave as he makes it to the center where the councilors are seeing Arno as they are now upset at him as he removes his hood.

Trenet: What in God's name happened at the 19th floor?

Arno: I was solving a murder, and I did find the killer. So I stopped the killer from killing others.

Trenet: By killing the killer?! That is not the way of the Brotherhood! They should know when to bring justice to others even though they killed other players!

Arno: They deserved what's best for them! I couldn't stand by and watch as that happened!

Guillaume: I knew this would happen. I knew you had plans for your personal vendettas.

Arno: This is why I joined the Brotherhood!

Quemar: Yes. Not because you shared our ideals, or felt called to the service. For revenge.

Arno: For redemption.

Trenet: Call it what you will. You've defied the orders of the Council repeatedly, pursued targets with sanction, and flouted our Creed at every step.

Quemar: Master Mirabeau?

Mirabeau: *nods head* In light of these actions, I find I have no choice but to call for a vote of expulsion. Master Beylier?

Guillaume: Agreed.

Arno: What are you--

Mirabeau: Master Quemar?

Quemar: Agreed.

Mirabeau: Master Trenet?

Trenet: Agreed.

Mirabeau: Y/n L/n, you are attainted. Your rank and title are stripped from you, and you are hereby exiled from the Brotherhood of Sword Art Online.

Arno: You cannot be serious! I've joined you for a year! You can't do this to me!

Trenet: The decision of this Council is final. We give you leave to go.

The Councilors of the Brotherhood and Bellec escort Arno out of the cave to take him outside.

Bellec: You got reckless, pisspot.

Arno: Could you please stop calling me that name?!

Bellec: Alright, Y/n. You were way out of hand on that floor.

Arno: I was doing those players a favor. They will not be bothered by that killer ever again!

Bellec: Yes, they would, but the way you did it, was without thinking. You didn't try to convince the killer, you did what he did.

Arno: What's the difference?!

Bellec: Think about it. They would see that the Brotherhood was a bunch of killers.

Arno: *scoffs*

Bellec: What would your parents say about you now?

Arno: Don't you dare mention my parents!

Bellec: What would your guild say about you, too?

Arno: SHUT UP!!!

Arno yelled at Bellec for him to stay quiet and speak again.

Bellec: You lost your way in this Brotherhood, boy. You ruined your chance to redeem yourself, from the mistakes and failures. Not to mention your guilt. Remember what you have done to yourself. You were the one that got kicked out yourself. Don't forget that, boy.

Bellec then walks away from Arno to go back into the cave to leave him alone.

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